
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. le_fish

    Seachem Flourish safe for Stingrays?

    Hi guys, I have a piece of large driftwood with massive Crypts growing on it, there are two Stingrays and three Spotted Gars in the tank. Will Seachem Flourish have any negative affects on the rays and gars at all when I dose the water after a W/C? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. viper0397

    Update on hystrix/retic pups!

    I moved my pups to a 55 gallon tank today. Got them out of their cramped floating tank. They seem to be getting along quite nicely.
  3. AquaScape

    Show Quality Hybrid Stingrays!!

    We got two handsome show worthy hybrid stingrays here at the store that are already stunning at their size!! These guys are currently feeding on live blackworms daily, and are being fed on occasion frozen blood worms, and F/T de-shelled raw shrimp. The big spot is about 6" and is going for...
  4. AquaScape

    The Uncommon Ceja Ray(Paratrygon aiereba)

    The Ceja Ray is a disc shaped stingray that is the only species in its genus(Paratrygon) and to my knowledge still considered a species complex. These guys are usually yellowish/brownish and have a distinct reticulated/vermiculated pattern. Ceja rays can reach up to 5ft but usually do not...
  5. AquaScape

    Stock-list 04/23/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” SOLD OUT 4”-5” SOLD OUT Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 9”-10” SOLD OUT Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8” $550.oo Ea. 8”-9”...
  6. AquaScape

    Follow Us!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know we'll be doing some special promotions only available on our Instagram and Snapchat, along with Holiday deals! Just follow us and wait for some savings! Instagram: Aquascapeonline_ Snapchat: Aquascapeonline
  7. J

    Possible fungal problems with stingrays

    Hey guys I’m wondering about a possible problem I may be having with my teacup stingray. She doesn’t like to bury herself under the sand. There isn’t any noticeable spots of fungus that I can see. But on her tail/bone there is a ‘fuzz’ like appearance. The ‘fuzz’ is very fine and only seen...
  8. AquaScape


    We got some more beautiful stingrays in! BDs, Motoros, and Pearls! Motoro 3.5"-4" -SOLD OUT Hybrid 4" -$250.oo Pearl (m) 4"-5" -SOLD OUT Pearl (f) 4"-5" -SOLD OUT BD `1812(m) 8"-9" -SOLD BD `47 (m) 6"-7" -$500.oo BD `85 (f) 6"-7"...
  9. AquaScape

    Current Stock-list! 12/22/17

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo ea. Or 10/$70.oo 3" $30.oo ea. 4”-5” $40.oo ea. Or 4/$140.oo 5"-6" $75.oo ea. Caribe(Pygocentrus notatus) 5”-6”...
  10. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    Repaired a cracked 150 *PIC HEAVY*

    Hey guys! Just to give you fair warning this post is going to be a bit pic heavy but I'll try to keep the amount of reading to a minimum for ya :D A couple of months ago I found a cracked 150 gallon tank on Craigslist for a steal. I was already planning on building a plywood tank so I...
  11. AquaScape

    Stingray Specials (Christmas Gift from AquaScapeOnline to you)

    Happy Holiday Specials Pearl Stingray Pups 4" (Captive Bred) Males 300.00 ea Females 350.00 ea. 550.00 Pair Motoro Pups 4" (Captive Bred) Males 150.00 Females 150.00 Black Diamond 7" (Captive Bred) Males 500.00 Females 600.00 1000.00 Pair Pics up soon, Limited quantity available
  12. AquaScape

    Black Friday/ Cyber Monday sale!!!!!

    Hey everyone! Since we're all in the Holiday spirit from Thanksgiving, now awaiting Christmas to come and given we have Black Friday today and Cyber Monday on the 27th we figured we'd do something that would give everyone something to cheer about this weekend, for orders placed today through...
  13. spcichlids

    Big Tanks, Big Fish, and Big Rich - Touring Ohio Fish Rescue

    If you guys don't know about Big Rich and his fishroom you are in for a treat.
  14. Ray-z

    Thoughts on introducing a female pearl pup with a 10" male

    Hi guys, iv had my male pearl for about a year now and he's a good 10" across his disc. Iv recently added a bd male pup (only 4" disc) and they get along fine... though I really want a female pearl to go with him. I'm in the uk and iv been looking for ages trying to find a female the same size...
  15. AquaScape

    Current Stocklist as of 09/03/2017

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri): .75”-1” -600 available- 8ea. Or 10/70.00 1.5”-2” -80 available- 12ea. Or 10/100.00 3”-4” -100 available- 30ea. Or 3/100.00 5”-6” -1 available- 125.00 Caribe(Pygocentrus cariba)...
  16. F

    Help me to know the genus of parasites

    These are nematodes found on the shell of the brain Rhinoptera javanica. Help me to know the genus of parasites.
  17. Bigfishnut

    Down town brown (pics required)

    Figured I'd fire up a new thread for us hopeless brown ray lovers! I'll kick it off with a fresh photo of my pair of marbles. The female in front was sold by the breeder because he thought she was going to be low quality pattern. She's only 6.5 months old. Seems like an ok pattern to me! He...
  18. S

    Freshwater Stingray

    Hey guys, I recently got baby motoro stingray like a week back. He's hardly eating and is housed with an albino bichir and an Asian arowana. He's housed in a 180 gal. The ph, nitrites, ammonia and nitrates are perfect. The bottom substrate is white sand. This morning I noticed a mark on his...
  19. Kingrancher2011

    Any Mantillas left in the states

    Seems like you see a lot of different rays for sale but one Ray I don't see very often are Mantillas I have 3 and would love to own a lot more only know a few ppl that breed mantilla just curious who else here in the states has them/breeds them.
  20. Kingrancher2011

    Non breeding male?

    So I have a question I have a 5 yr old Leo Hen that has never stuck a female hopefully when my female drops her pups he will tag her fingers crossed she was already prego when I got her. But my question is has anyone ever owned a male ray that has never bred with a female? It seems he has no...