
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Mohammed Sadaqat

    Motoros with some sort of Burns.

    Writing on behalf of a friend, who purchased 4 Motoros, All of them developed red marks around their discs, and after a few days the skin would peel off and a chunk of the disc would be missing, Attached a few pics of a male who is badly damaged and may not see the light of tomorrow, and a...
  2. rich81090


    Hi everyone I have finally finished building my new tanks and it's time to make a decision on substrate. I currently have white gravel for marble rays, but was wondering about sand as I have never used sand before. The tanks themselves are black fibre glass and I don't intend to cover...
  3. Vandyfan13

    In your opinion

    Which stingrays have the most/best personality. Videos would be awesome as well. Just had a shower thought and was curious. As always thanks MFK
  4. R

    Opinions please!

    Hey All New to this site and super excited about stingrays! I am going to be getting a custom aquarium made up and wanted opinions from you experienced beauties I have my heart set on either of the following 8lx3wx2h Or 6lx5wx2h Hoping to keep 2 female and 1 male Leo's Thanks everyone
  5. viper0397

    Hungry little things.

    These retics are voracious eaters. Love them to death!! Can you all tell which one is pregnant?
  6. feeling2good

    FS/back diamond stingray pup $500/Milwaukee WI/pick up only

    1 male pup around 5 inches for $500. The tail is broken right before where the stinger grows so he doesn't have stinger. Was told broken shortly after birth. He is healthy, eating chopped up shrimp, tilapia and nightcrawlers. He is not a big fan of pellets yet but does chew them.
  7. L

    Tips and advice on first rays

    Hey I'm just receiving my first pair of motoro stingrays and just looking for tips and advice on do's and donts on keeping and acclimating them. I'll be receiving a male and female, both about 6" disc, and here's my set up 125gallon wide 4x2x2 6 silver dollars 1 red belly pacu 1 8" tiger...
  8. Kingrancher2011

    Ray tank mates??? Help

    So I have some Motoro rays 8" and I was thinking about getting a Valf thats 9" or Golitah tiger fish 4" and putting it with them pros and cons and suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. B

    WTB teacup stingray

    I know that's not the species of the stingray but I would like one labeled as so. I am an hour north of Chicago and would like to spend 60 dollars or less on one. That's not including shipping. If you are closer than two hours away I can drive there. I have a 150 gallon and a 210 that is...
  10. Kingrancher2011

    Ray tank mates???

    So I have a 6"-7" Motoro female and my buddy is selling a 13" Motoro male would that Male kill my female or will she be alright together?
  11. Kingrancher2011

    Stingray sand???

    So I heard many story's on sand to get for my rays and still wondering what is the best to put in your tank that's Durable and cheap any many people says pool sand is the best thoughts?
  12. viper0397

    Relavance of substrate.

    My question is to have substrate or not? I have seen so many pictures of either or. Pro's and Con's of both would be much appreciated. I personally have one of each. The one with substrate has just enough to slightly cover the bottom. My rays bunch it up and make it useful for them...
  13. A

    Updated Stingrays 10/28/15

    Male Hybrid Stingray $500 SOLD Female Hybrid $800 Motoro Stingray $225 Female Hybrid $1000 Male Hybrid $1000 Male Hybrid $600 SOLD Female Hybrid $1800