Hi, where did you get that large plastic tub for your sump tank? Thanks.
I know a few differnt people that use them and they are good pumps, all highly recommended them to me.
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Do you know any of these people personally? If so would it be possible to get them to check the "actual" wattage of the pump? it seems according to the reviews online these pumps could potentially pull up to 40% more power than advertised.
Considering the size of your system I understand why an external pump makes a lot of sense. How big of a pump are you going to upgrade to?
Have you had any issues balancing the flow to your lower tanks vs the flow to your upper tanks?
I am looking forwards to seeing your DE implementation! I think you will really appreciate the DE... but it is easy to get spoiled quickly and forget what cloudy water looks like. I still haven't changed the original DE powder on mine and it is still going strong!