H Hot Slime Feeder Fish MFK Member May 28, 2007 1,919 1 0 In a Smuckers jar. Oct 24, 2011 #1,151 Ah nice. Really liking your tins and synos.
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Oct 26, 2011 #1,152 update on my 65g planted:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Oct 26, 2011 #1,153 50g underneath and full setup shot of 65g and 50g stacked:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Oct 26, 2011 #1,154 synodontis notatus in the 50g. long way to go for this future monster
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Oct 26, 2011 #1,155 some full tank shots of the 150g:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Nov 13, 2011 #1,156 close up of a one of four german blue rams from our 30g tank in our dining room:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Jan 27, 2012 #1,157 its been awhile so here are some updates: the tinfoil barbs and suncats continue to pack on size, as is the super red severum in the 150g. the tricolours are growing slower but steady:
its been awhile so here are some updates: the tinfoil barbs and suncats continue to pack on size, as is the super red severum in the 150g. the tricolours are growing slower but steady:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Jan 27, 2012 #1,158 Spotty, our super red severum who is getting big:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Jan 27, 2012 #1,159 some shots of our most colourful red head geophagus, the dominant one: (who is only now starting to get red at the base of the dorsal which should eventually cover the forehead region:
some shots of our most colourful red head geophagus, the dominant one: (who is only now starting to get red at the base of the dorsal which should eventually cover the forehead region:
12 Volt Man Potamotrygon MFK Member May 24, 2007 6,624 965 174 canada Jan 27, 2012 #1,160 synodontis decorus and tinfoil barbs in the 150g stay tuned for more pics to come