Your fish look awesome man! I wish I could get my tinfoils to look like the "pigs" you have in your tank. I have mine in a 90 g with five 4-5" Silver Dollars and one 4" bala at the moment. Remind me what you are feeding with!
thanks. I generally feed the tank one big feeding of tetra colour bits in the evening followed by a feeding of tetra cichlid sticks and tropical crisps just before I put them to bed.
its the sticks that fatten them up and get them growing so quick I think. they love them.
I rescued a sun cat from a LFS last year. He only has one eye so we call him willy aka one-eyed willy! He hasn't really grown in length, i'd say he is about 8" long. He eats like a pig in my 350 and has certainly grown in girth. Great thread! Love the filamentosa barbs--would you say they max out at 6"?