Hi. most stands from the LFS are whats called 'open top' design, meaning they do not have a full solid top peice. Pine stands from Aqueon are build the same way. this is because glass tanks only need perimeter support around them. if the tank were Acrylic, it could not sit on this type of stand. but glass tanks can. there are no cross supports to this stand, it is made from 1.5" tube steel and is very strong. Probably the strongest available from the LFS for a 72x18 footprint tank. thats part of why I went with it - I wanted it to still be standing after 20 years
however, the 72x24 size tube steel stands do have a diagonal cross support (I haven't seen one this size in years, but the old ones used to).
the 72x18 tube steel stands are very common at my LFS, the 72x24 size are not, so I can't say whether or not they are still made with a cross support.
there are plastic cross braces (2 of them) on both the top and bottom of the tank, it was made that way from Aqueon.
As far as the Angel eggs go, right now I have no where to move them to as I have to sell my clown loaches that are in my 20g quarentine tank (they were eating the plants in this tank), they would eat the eggs as well.
I figure once I get the quarentine tank cleared out, I could move a pair of the Angels into it to see if I could protect the eggs.
I will have to see.
thanks for reading this monster thread