12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
okay, its been awhile since an update.

in my 65g planted, I have been growing up a school of 4 roseline sharks (aka red line torpedo barbs aka denisonni barbs lol)

in my 50g, I am growing up 3 small firemouths and 3 small rotkeil severums that look like they are going to turn out to be regular greens. hard to tell at a juvenile stage.

in the big, tanks, barbs doing well, getting big, but one tinfoil barb is a bit of a fussy eater and will only eat certain foods. the other one eats everything in huge quantities like the lemon fins. don't think this fish is sick, just fussy. he eats freeze dried plankton and tetra crisps aggressively, but spits out colour bits and won't touch the tetra cichlid sticks (which all the others eat and this is what really puts on their size quickly).

pics coming soon :). probably in the next few days after some water changes..

stay tuned!
the larger one is about 4 inches.

right now, I am only offering colour bits, wardley shrimp pellets, and tetra cichlid sticks to the tank.

the lemon fins and the one tinfoil eat all three.

the fussy tinfoil eats the shrimp pellets and colour bits but spits them out, occasionally keeping the bits down.

he is going to have to learn to eat these foods again (he used to when he was younger).

its either that or find another tinfoil that is not as fussy so I can have two large ones.

not one big one and one a lot smaller down the road.. the non-fussy tinfoil is growing fast, as are the lemon fins.

more pics soon.