12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
08trdoffroad;4267283; said:
Double :(

Your Red Hook's were gorgeous, and I can't find any locally....

I know. I miss them.

I pulled them out at the 1.5 week mark with almost no food. you could tell they hadn't eaten much.

as soon as the barbs started eating the tetra cichlid sticks aggressively, that was the end of the food supply for the dollars. that was what they were living on. just tetra sticks, as the barbs always got all the other stuff I put in.

as I said, I tried to still keep them, but didn't really realize how large they were until I put them into the 50g.

it was way way too small..
I just spent about 45 minutes reading on this thread. What a GREAT THREAD! I love what you did with the 150 and the saltwater to Angel conversion. Great work, it's a beautiful set up.
Pretty good photos there. Your Tinfoil looks like mine! I went to the LFS the two of them are still there swimming about waiting for someone with a big enough tank lol.
Kokena;4274744; said:
Are the TFB with the red tails the regular silver ones? or are they a different type?

You can get a variety. Red tinfoil barbs, yellow tinfoil barbs, albino type. If the LFS doesn't really know and just writes "tinfoil barbs" on the tank and a price, it can be hard to distinguish which they are as they're tails do not colour up til they get a little larger (4").

to be honest, this is the first time I have ever kept the 'black bar' red tinfoils.

in 22 years of fish keeping, I have literally always had tinfoils in one tank or another, but never this variety before.

so far, they are looking to be even more colourful than my previous ones. the red and black dosal fin with white on the top is striking.