210 tanganyikan tank - start to finish


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 25, 2008
Tanganyika Coastline
anyways, for those who have been following/reading each post then you know that when i ordered these fish the vendor told me that the lemairii and tetracanthus all died after i ordered for unknown reasons! so heres the actual invoice of what i ended up with...

look at the qty of the neolamprologus sexfasciatus golds! its say qty 3 right.
so i look at the bag and see something isnt right and open it and heres whats inside...

...its 2 sexfasciatus golds and 1 lemairii! he got caught slippin! i knew it was BS! the lemairii's not even on the invoice nor did i end up paying for him! scam and he said they were all dead! he probably doesnt know that it got into the bag! A**HOLE! thats a shiesty move! cats like that are in the hobby for the wrong reasons! your supposed to help spread the species!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 12, 2008
San Diego
addicted2cichlids;1757377; said:
you see the "blue watered" bags... yall know what it is? is it some sedative?
its either malachite green or this other stuff i forgot the name at the moment. but what it does is makes the fishs get oxygen all the time while being shipped, kinda forces them too. but the fish look nice! i bet it looks so funny with those tiny fish in there, mine does...only like 8 fish in there right now and it looks naked.