Well...just got back to work after a extended lunch early lunch
I got the fish about 10 and went home and now I have some fish in the tank!!! They are all eating already and all are in good looking shape. One yellow lab looks like its fins are clamped a little and its not swimming as much as the others and not next to them as much. It is still eating good...but it shakes a little and scratched some. So it might have something...but I dont want to put meds since I just added all that safestart too. So I will let it ride for at least 48 hrs before I use meds. I tested the water and everything is 0 so we will see how the safestart does. I added 4 bottles.
On a bad note...I was about to leave to head back to work and I noticed one of my xp3's was leaking out of where the power cords goes into the head. There was a rather large puddle of water in half the sand with all the power cords and stuff. I havent mounted them yet but will soon now. The canister is brand new but I got it a few months ago in preparation from petsmart. I might go talk to them....but I dont feel safe...might buy some different canisters now.
I'll post pics later...I will have to learn how to get good shots with my Nikon D90.