Yeah, my garage is seperated from the house by about 30'. I think I'll have to have someone actually run lines from the main. I don't know that you are allowed to do that your self. Here also I think the lines outside have to be over 18" or so deep in case of freezing. My eventual plans are to build a utility room onto the garage that will have a sink, hotwater heater, floor drain, ect. Right now there's no floor drain in my garage. I have a nice sized garage for where I live, but there's no plumbing or heat. I also need to run heat in there as well. lol. There is a lot of work to be done. Someone told me about an exhaust fan that kicks on after the humidity in a room gets too high. Have you ever heard of one? Thanks for all your help chompers. On another note I might learn a lot more about how mechanical things work if I get approved for an apprentice position as a Dam Maintenance Technician. Starting pay, and pay after 2 years probationary apprentice program are very nice. Keep up the good work in this thread. I'm sure with your tank, and hopefully mine soon we will all be a little closer to that maintenance free tank. lol Oh and I don't think a faucet will work under the 4000 gal tank I am building. It's only off the floor by 1.5". I do have some neat plans for it though. You think sand and gravel mix will work well on a rugf? I would still like some sand in the tank, but if not that's cool.