300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Oh man, he is hurting her. :(

What do the cat experts say about this? Going to stalk your other thread.

The jur is really cool! And Chewy is looking great.

Seems like this is unheard of. Posted on pcf so we'll see. Either way i like the 2 girls much better than the little delinquent . Seems like shes ok and hanging out with the other female in their usual spot.
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Those poly are looking huge! I see mine all the time and they look the same.... plus I have been feeding light as I finish the work around the house so that I also can have some light maintenance too. Those guys are getting to be quite the monsters!

Love the cats! a Vulture cat has always been on the wish list.

Thx D. Vulture so far has been the fastest grower i ever own...even more so than the pearsei

I like the pics not the agression. I really don't know s lot on catfish behavior, is it possibly a mating thing? Looks mean and damage to boot but I don't know.

Neither do i but wanted people with more knowledge to tame a look.

Imo not mating behavior as he wasnt seeming them out. Looks to me territorial wiating to here back from others than have keot jags long term
Endli would likely nip the weeksii for this
Weeksii in yo face!
Updates some polys...some not soo much lol

Ghost congi and sp.delaware are getting really thick.
Candy bar is being stubborn about eating pellets...gonna have to do a starving period.
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Meh shes just soo pretty
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Ahh the cats...im really enjoying them. Very different dynamic to them vs polys.

The juruense is becoming one of my favirote fish not only amongst the cats but even amongst the polys and cichlids.
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This comment goes to prove how little we know about the animals we keep lol. The group of jaguar cats was doing fine. All the research i did pointed to them benefiting from being kept in a group. The two females are awesome eat like pigs and are quite pushy and much more personable than the male. Yesterday things went wrong...noticed the 3 jags werent in there usually spot. Only the male was there, the two girls were hiding elsewhere. Then this happened. Had to tap the male with pair of tongs to get him to release her. Hes now in a 20 gal while i think this through.

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Love to see all the pics of the polys growing! Really enjoyed the team shots of the two polys together. Do you find that certain ones tend to stay around others(like do the have favorite "friends").

Sp. Delaware= big boss. That sucks that she bit Candy, but I guess must retain her authority.

Are the piling dynamics the same when a smaller poly scoots underneath a large poly? My albino tries to cuddle under the moke all the time. That doesn't seems as much as a survival tactic or piling technique to me though like the regular pile.
Its wierd but my polys never really pile. Unless they are all hiding towards the back of the tank.

I dont know if any hang out with each other but you bring up a good point. Its almost like they have set locations in the tank and are pretty consistent about it too. So the new kong and nigel are for the most part always near the left hand side panel of the tank, koloton is always on the right, pbb back left, sp.faranah middle left, near the plants, faranah endli is near the right overflow on her rocks
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Territories, makes sense. Mine all pile in the back right corner in the 75 under the tree roots. some move out and about and sit in different locations from time to time. They always go back there at some point though. I call it Ground Zero.
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Its wierd but my polys never really pile. Unless they are all hiding towards the back of the tank.

I dont know if any hang out with each other but you bring up a good point. Its almost like they have set locations in the tank and are pretty consistent about it too. So the new kong and nigel are for the most part always near the left hand side panel of the tank, koloton is always on the right, pbb back left, sp.faranah middle left, near the plants, faranah endli is near the right overflow on her rocks
Was just going to ask about this. Don't think I've seen any piling pictures. I like how they all have their areas and can cohabitate peacefully with one another.
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Territories, makes sense. Mine all pile in the back right corner in the 75 under the tree roots. some move out and about and sit in different locations from time to time. They always go back there at some point though. I call it Ground Zero.
Pics of ground zero? Please