Haha damn my kids kno better if they kill my fish they get the boot! Out the curb they go! Haha man your tank is beautiful
Right on bro. That's parenting right there ! Out ya go sucka.
Thx man
Haha damn my kids kno better if they kill my fish they get the boot! Out the curb they go! Haha man your tank is beautiful
Candy is pretty lol but I don't even think she cracks my top 3Wow that one rivals even Candy! It's those stripes!
Best piece ever.
Best piece ever.
You've swayed me on this kind of tank. We're either going to move or refinance I think i'm going to add a little extra to stock it up all at once. I wonder if I could do a squad of ropes with a pearsei and a red wolf
It's just a matter of time before my last big cichlids kamikaze ways end him
Yes join the dark side !!
Can't say much about the wolf.moe214 would know better. Pearsei would be fine with ropes.
That's the way to do it. A few thousand is nothing over the course of a mortgage.
The wifey is on board. Maybe I'm getting old but I'm sick of these hyper aggressive brutes. I'm tired of the tank being trashed, water every where, and being banished to the garage. He jacked his eye up on something a little white back and I can't get it healed. I see the 2x6 shifted today I have on top to keep him in.