300 gallon poly tank


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Thos one is working much better still need to tinker with it though.20170317_175044.jpg 20170317_165121.jpg 20170317_192225.jpg

clm08k clm08k



Some other thoughts are the flow rate. Maybe the higher flow rate is pissing them off.

Clmk08 also suggested that the lights may be playing apart being that its not beong distributed the same in the smaller tank.

I bumpbed the heat up to 82 maybe some dead spots in the tank. Gonna get another satelite led soon and will see if going back to tilapia helps.

Maybe lower the flow rate if the previous things dont work


MFK Member
Oct 31, 2016
Thanks for tagging me. :)

only things I could find on the nutrition:
flouder and tilipia are comparable in many ways. Only found minimal differences. the numbers are pretty small, but idk if they would make a difference for appearance or functioning.
Maybe a RD question?

Nutrient Profile

compared raw tilipia and raw flatfish/flouder at 100g.
only differences I could find( both are healthy, but a trade off with some vitamins mainly)
- flounder has 30 mg more sodium, more vit A, D and C, no Omega 6s.
-tiliapia has slightly higher cholesterol 3mg more, 1:1 Omega 3/Omega 6. ratio. 220 to 210mg, respectfully. no vit A, vit D, or C.

I don't know if the Omega 6 or Salt levels in Flouder are significant enough to make a difference. My guess is no.

Mercury Levels:
both tilipia and flouder are low level fish.Tilipia is considered one of the lowest in mercury, but flouder is also low.


TILAPIA 0.013 mercury PPM. 0.004 0.023 ND 0.084 32 FDA 1991-2008

FLATFISH [2] 0.056 mercury PPM 0.05 0.045 ND 0.218 71 FDA 1991-2009

TUNA (CANNED, ALBACORE) 0.350 PPM 0.338 0.128 ND 0.853 451 FDA 1991-2009

Again, I personally don't think those levels are enough to make a significant difference, but I am also not a fish doctor/nutritionist. :) So don't hold me to it. lol.

would be interesting to look at the Flowrate!


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Thanks for tagging me. :)

only things I could find on the nutrition:
flouder and tilipia are comparable in many ways. Only found minimal differences. the numbers are pretty small, but idk if they would make a difference for appearance or functioning.
Maybe a RD question?

Nutrient Profile

compared raw tilipia and raw flatfish/flouder at 100g.
only differences I could find( both are healthy, but a trade off with some vitamins mainly)
- flounder has 30 mg more sodium, more vit A, D and C, no Omega 6s.
-tiliapia has slightly higher cholesterol 3mg more, 1:1 Omega 3/Omega 6. ratio. 220 to 210mg, respectfully. no vit A, vit D, or C.

I don't know if the Omega 6 or Salt levels in Flouder are significant enough to make a difference. My guess is no.

Mercury Levels:
both tilipia and flouder are low level fish.Tilipia is considered one of the lowest in mercury, but flouder is also low.


TILAPIA 0.013 mercury PPM. 0.004 0.023 ND 0.084 32 FDA 1991-2008

FLATFISH [2] 0.056 mercury PPM 0.05 0.045 ND 0.218 71 FDA 1991-2009

TUNA (CANNED, ALBACORE) 0.350 PPM 0.338 0.128 ND 0.853 451 FDA 1991-2009

Again, I personally don't think those levels are enough to make a significant difference, but I am also not a fish doctor/nutritionist. :) So don't hold me to it. lol.

would be interesting to look at the Flowrate!
Im thinking maybe the lights.....or the sand. In the ither tank the sand came from another source not barton amd it was slightly darker. I remember it took like a month for the polys to sette in to the new sand and show their patterns. Maybe just not settled in to the new environment?

Thinking maybe the lights. They are the same exact lights but do sit lower as the new tank is a few inches shorter than the 150....i dont know man.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Thx mag you set the bar pretty high with your set up.

Thats the faranah endli.

Id say my most active are the ornate and koloton followed by a 3 way tie between the two congicus and sp.dabola.

The koloton goes nuts to the point where he creates bare spots on the bottom of the tank


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
It appears that I am drawn to all things Faranah. ;)
I hear its a nice vacation spot...joking

Koloton is nuts always like this even in the smaller tank.
