300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That's awesome. Glad your wife is on board. It is so nice having your partner be supportive and excited about this hobby. Glad I'm also not the only one who shows my SO forum videos hehehe. What type of fish does she want? Keep us posted.

Also following this post. I'm planning on doing a sump for when I get my hands on a 125 or 180.
The first sump we do will be for the 125 and we'll house our bichirs, SD's synodontis'and and our Oscars. She wants to do an African cichlid tank..... But her dream tank is a massive school of discus
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Happy belated 4th poly peeps




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Glad to see you’re settled down in FL. You brought the 300g with you?
Thx bro. Yeah and the fish. Was an interesting trip lmaoo
. . .When the water level in the sump drops (evaporation) it will also lower the water level in the overflows. That creates some noise from the water falling.
My overflows don't drop unless the pump starts sucking air. Then I will hear it and add water. This never happens if I keep the normal WC schedule, unless the sump drops because the overflow strainer is plugging up. I can hear the pump gurgle and I know to check it.

BTW, I do NOT run totally silent systems. I like the noise, and also if the power goes out at night I will wake up from the sudden silence. A cavitating pump will wake me as well.



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