300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
So my son named sp.delaware Godzilla II

He loves the original. Haha Hao Hao thx for the pics. He made me hang them on his mirror with Mr. Jaws.
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Ansorgi does look awesome.

Sorry to hear the nigerian has to go. How big are the Hets now? At what size do you think you will be able to remove the divider?
Ansorgi does look awesome.

Sorry to hear the nigerian has to go. How big are the Hets now? At what size do you think you will be able to remove the divider?

Sorry for the short vid Michael has his onw agenda.

I moved the hets into the 75 and teug, lap, both cb endlis in the 150 amd removed the divider. Ansorgii is awespm never would have tried one if it werent for dmc. Dont like the eyes and washed out look on allot of them.

20170425_094421.jpg 20170425_091403.jpg

I really need to figure out who is going where. As im stting in front of the tank with the baby the ornate bit belle (favirote poly) smh wasnt serious but u know how i feel about aggression.

Any way i almost wanna move hulk out of the big tank but almost feel guilty of all our fish he is literally a wet pet we love the big guy but man he is just a hand full. Cant feed the polys anything but chopped fish even worms are an issue, hes losing his fear og the blue light too. But couldnt keep the hets with him as hes always bullied chewy (female het)

Thinking of doing something like this
75 gal:
5 heterospilus (including chewy) and the sen.

150: hulk (pearsei) and maybe the ornate. Bioload should be very manageable.

4 endli (faranah, bv, 2x cb)
Laps x2 (koloton and faranah)
Congicus x2
Sp.delaware or what ever it is
PBB x2
13 total

Litterally took me an hour to post this haha
ocellatus ocellatus dmcskoolkid dmcskoolkid Cohazard Cohazard Hao Hao kno4te kno4te Vancouver_98683 Vancouver_98683 magpie magpie kewpiefishypewpie kewpiefishypewpie thoughts ?
Sorry for the short vid Michael has his onw agenda.

I moved the hets into the 75 and teug, lap, both cb endlis in the 150 amd removed the divider. Ansorgii is awespm never would have tried one if it werent for dmc. Dont like the eyes and washed out look on allot of them.

View attachment 1248598 View attachment 1248599

I really need to figure out who is going where. As im stting in front of the tank with the baby the ornate bit belle (favirote poly) smh wasnt serious but u know how i feel about aggression.

Any way i almost wanna move hulk out of the big tank but almost feel guilty of all our fish he is literally a wet pet we love the big guy but man he is just a hand full. Cant feed the polys anything but chopped fish even worms are an issue, hes losing his fear og the blue light too. But couldnt keep the hets with him as hes always bullied chewy (female het)

Thinking of doing something like this
75 gal:
5 heterospilus (including chewy) and the sen.

150: hulk (pearsei) and maybe the ornate. Bioload should be very manageable.

4 endli (faranah, bv, 2x cb)
Laps x2 (koloton and faranah)
Congicus x2
Sp.delaware or what ever it is
PBB x2
13 total

Litterally took me an hour to post this haha
ocellatus ocellatus dmcskoolkid dmcskoolkid Cohazard Cohazard Hao Hao kno4te kno4te Vancouver_98683 Vancouver_98683 magpie magpie kewpiefishypewpie kewpiefishypewpie thoughts ?

You're ultimate goal is to get a pair of Hets right? I personally think a 75 would be fine for a pair so even long term I think that's a good choice. Sounds like the pearsei and ornate will be a good match for one another, grumpy gills that they are. I'll defer to the experts for the 300 stocking, but it certainly seems reasonable.
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