300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hets makes sense in the 75...

The only thing that makes me sad is Hulk in the 150 but I know that's hard for you, too. You know your fish best, and if he's too much of a PITA in the 300 (where most of your beloved polys need to live) then that makes sense.

Then you have a small peaceful tank, a mid-size tank for the ******* fish and then the large one should have a good bioload and group.

Is the Teug big enough for the big LJs now?
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Stocking looks good aggression wise

Same question as Magpie on the teug size versus lower jaws.

Is the ornate an aggressive enough feeder to compete with Hulk for food in the 150? If not, would she eat from tongs?

Hets makes sense in the 75...

The only thing that makes me sad is Hulk in the 150 but I know that's hard for you, too. You know your fish best, and if he's too much of a PITA in the 300 (where most of your beloved polys need to live) then that makes sense.

Then you have a small peaceful tank, a mid-size tank for the ******* fish and then the large one should have a good bioload and group.

Is the Teug big enough for the big LJs now?

Stocking looks good aggression wise

Same question as Magpie on the teug size versus lower jaws.

Is the ornate an aggressive enough feeder to compete with Hulk for food in the 150? If not, would she eat from tongs?


Really good points guys. Love this section. I kind of only worried about the ornate with the teug. All of LJ's should be fine, but the sp.dabola is a question mark. Shes totally not aggressive but that doesnt always equate to not being predatory....hmm of she were hungry enough it could be an issue.

Yes the ornate should be fine in terms of feeding as hulk wont go near chopped fish. I could feed pellets on opposite sides of the tank

dmcskoolkid dmcskoolkid

You've seen the fish in person, thinknthe teug put on enough size to live with the sp.dabola ?
Zilch Zilch forgot to tag ya. Weight in per favore
How big is the teug now? My ornate tried to eat the teug that I put in my big tank, but he was small and had some issues so I think it was more of an opportunistic thing. I definitely don't trust my ornate with fish half his size anymore though
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J jaws7777 i think we need some more pics of them all together just saying...
despite the teug growing mad fast n being double in girth since the day U got it I would be too scared too because the Dabola is like 4x the teugs girth. Although it doesn't show aggression the size alone would have me scared. The good thing is I'm sure in like a month you keep it on the same diet it will be ready no problem.

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How big is the teug now? My ornate tried to eat the teug that I put in my big tank, but he was small and had some issues so I think it was more of an opportunistic thing. I definitely don't trust my ornate with fish half his size anymore though

Last measurement was 10 1/4 inches but has the slimmer teug deal going on

J jaws7777 i think we need some more pics of them all together just saying...
Lmaoo i over do it with the pics
despite the teug growing mad fast n being double in girth since the day U got it I would be too scared too because the Dabola is like 4x the teugs girth. Although it doesn't show aggression the size alone would have me scared. The good thing is I'm sure in like a month you keep it on the same diet it will be ready no problem.

View attachment 1248639

Gonna err on the side of caution amd follow your advice.

I could move everyone around and leave the teug and faranah lap in the 150 with the pearsei continue power feeding and swap it with the ornate when ready.mhhh
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