I live local and am in That Fish Place at least once a week. I will probably stop in during the sale, but I usually avoid that place on the weekends because of the crowds.
SUCKS! Can't make it guys, it's opening day of Turkey and Rockfish Seaon so I'll be hunting at daylight and fishing at dusk. Here is what I'll be catching.....if anyone wants one for their tank let me know...LOL
Have a great time everyone, wish I could have made it.
I will be there early and am bringing my kids, I will be the one with the mohawk, lol.
Also, some of us are going to bbq at my house afterwards (i am about 20 minutes west of TFP in York County) if anyone is interested, its byob and bring some food to contribute.
I used to be close enough to Lancaster to do it. Now, alas I have moved south. I'd love to go. It's been quite some time since I was at that fish place. I miss that shark.
i scored a 40g breeder for 40 bucks
or you could get them 3 or more for 25 bucks each.
i got one for my wife!! yeah now we can work on the hobby together and its not just my annoying fish hobby! she likes it. gonna be for some cherax destuctors probabbly