3rd Annual :: ThatFishPlace Meet :: Saturday April 18th, 2009

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
id be down for another MFK meet there...and i wanna go to rachs and see her digs :)

i got a 50lb bag of super naturals gravel for 5 bucks...a 300W inline heater for 10 bucks, some prime...all the chems were 20% off...

i took ash with me she got a huge puffer hes awesome and a cracked really huge fixable sump for 25 bucks....nothing a little squirt of sealant wouldnt fix.
when do you want to host one?
I wanna go Rach!!!
You are more than welcome gr8, but only ifyou wear your pink shirt.

I am sure grillmaster Marcus would be there, lol. After this week, life will be more human so we can work on setting something up. Maybe end of June? The pool will be open then and nice and warm too.