jcardona1;2729348; said:man still no final pics?!?!?!?and i cant believe people still talking crap about the fake corals! get a life. im certain nobody here has the ability to setup a tank like this in their home. and until you do, STOP HATING on the man for having the common sense to go with a fake coral setup in this monster sized tank!!
cant afford the water changes. thats for sure!!!ado124;2729815;2729815 said:The majority probably can't even afford the water changes. $$$
fake FTW.
feed the need, gimmie pix
I'm off tomorrow, Pm me and I'll remember to do it, I've got a full format on the other pc to do, it'll keep me entertainedcsx4236;2730615; said:Can someone go back and record all post #'s for pictures and post them in a thread. I will then ask Li to edit them into the first thread to help people out. Sorry I am to lazy now to do this.
Nic;2730621; said:the guy is doing a FO tank not a reef get off the fake coral trip people... go back and play with your JD and oscar in your 125 gallon and move on...