YB - I've taken your point and I'll pursue this discussion privately with GT. However there's one thing I'd like to address, since it's been called out publicly.
Yes I got water marks on my tank after my first test fill. I still don't know why, but it could have been related to the resin not being cured completely before I did my test fill. *could have*. I don't know why this happened 100%, and I didn't like the cloudy look so I painted over it with krylon. This was a cosmetic problem and hasn't affected the integrity of the tank in any way I can tell after 3 years filled. If I'd used waxed gelcoat, presumably this wouldn't have happened.
One more time. For anyone still reading this exchange; I am not suggesting that Polyester is superior to epoxy. I am pointing out that it is a perfectly viable option, used in quite a few private and commercially constructed fish containers with no stories that I've found of toxicity. Greenterra obviously has reasons for liking epoxy better; and though I disagree with many of his statements I'll not belabour the point. I've used both for quite a variety of projects, and I have done extensive research, including university courses and lab work on how composites work, and I happen to think that epoxy is nice, but polyester works better for me and my wallet.
Not trying to be rude but I remember someone getting water marks, blemishing in the surface of their last layer because of not having the correct addition of 'wax in Styrene' and then covering it with PVA to try and get the last coat to cure correctly. The end solution was to paint over it with Krylon Fusion paint. Sound familiar? If that does not give an example of why my statement is relevant, I don't know what is.
Yes I got water marks on my tank after my first test fill. I still don't know why, but it could have been related to the resin not being cured completely before I did my test fill. *could have*. I don't know why this happened 100%, and I didn't like the cloudy look so I painted over it with krylon. This was a cosmetic problem and hasn't affected the integrity of the tank in any way I can tell after 3 years filled. If I'd used waxed gelcoat, presumably this wouldn't have happened.
One more time. For anyone still reading this exchange; I am not suggesting that Polyester is superior to epoxy. I am pointing out that it is a perfectly viable option, used in quite a few private and commercially constructed fish containers with no stories that I've found of toxicity. Greenterra obviously has reasons for liking epoxy better; and though I disagree with many of his statements I'll not belabour the point. I've used both for quite a variety of projects, and I have done extensive research, including university courses and lab work on how composites work, and I happen to think that epoxy is nice, but polyester works better for me and my wallet.