Hopefully they will overproduce and you'll have little ones swimming around everywhere. Something's gotta fill that space or I'll convince your wife to dump in some brine shrimp.
Beautiful! I love the layout of Anubias nana petite. Nice work!As some know, i tore down the tank after about a month of running due to mad algae and diatom problems...
Well the tank has finally been rescaped, settled and water back to being crystal clear so decided to post some new pics of what it looks like now... Athough some plants im still waiting for them to fill in / bounce back...
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Left Side
View attachment 1180295
Right Side
View attachment 1180296
Beautiful!Found a new store today for high grade CRS for an extremely reasonable price, picked up 25 SS grade shrimp for approx USD $75...
Best of all, they also ship internationally, same price point except need to add shipping cost, they even use delivery service to your front door...
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