600 and 280 gallon reset: getting back to my roots

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Added some anubias lanceolata to fill out the scape and will likely have to add some more. Maybe 10-12 more rhizomes to the scape. Also replaced the lights with four new AI Prime HD’s after having two of my old ones started acting up. These new lights are an improved version and have a slightly cleaner look to them. Love how they illuminate the tank at only 60% of its limit.

The vallisnera were added to create more visual barriers and have been holding up well for the past few months. It’s allowed the two pairs of loisellei to build out territories further away from the pair of Festae. And as always, the nics are doing a good job of keeping their territory on the center front of the tank among the rocks.

Sold the large female Umbee and have only the small female in there now. The male was depressed for a couple weeks after losing his consort but has colored back up and I’m hoping he will pair with this smaller female. Have another spare female in the sump along with the spare male that is for sale.

Looking for some Sajica or Cutteri to add to the tank. Tested out the convicts and they were ignored by the bigger fish. Even after being gone a week they weren’t eaten despite the tank receiving no food for six days. Funny thing is, the convicts were actually nipping at the larger fish so they were removed. Now that I know these larger fish will not try to eat the smaller amatitalania/cryptoheros types, I’m looking for something a bit more rare and colorful to take the place of the convicts. Shoot any leads my way.

Tank looks 🔥🔥 as always!

I got some sajica shipped from Absolutely Fish in NJ a couple years ago and they looked great.

You can call to ask approx size.

I just added some Cryptoheros chetumalensis I grew out from fry to my V. melanura 240G tank yesterday hoping for similar success.. The chets are too feisty for my Thorichthys grow out tanks (aureus, helleri and pasionis) so hoping they can hold their own in the 240G with adult V. melanura pair, adult T. meeki group and sub adult O. heterospila group..🤞

Another option woyld be panamensis.. They worked well for me in a 210G with A. lyonsi, C. rostratus and T. asfraci. I've moved 100s of fry from a real nice strain i got from Black Tuna Black Tuna (Cichlid Dojo) 3 years ago. I may be able to track down some grow outs but recently moved my breeding colony...
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Tank looks 🔥🔥 as always!

I got some sajica shipped from Absolutely Fish in NJ a couple years ago and they looked great.

You can call to ask approx size.

I just added some Cryptoheros chetumalensis I grew out from fry to my V. melanura 240G tank yesterday hoping for similar success.. The chets are too feisty for my Thorichthys grow out tanks (aureus, helleri and pasionis) so hoping they can hold their own in the 240G with adult V. melanura pair, adult T. meeki group and sub adult O. heterospila group..🤞

Another option woyld be panamensis.. They worked well for me in a 210G with A. lyonsi, C. rostratus and T. asfraci. I've moved 100s of fry from a real nice strain i got from Black Tuna Black Tuna (Cichlid Dojo) 3 years ago. I may be able to track down some grow outs but recently moved my breeding colony...
Thank you brother. I’ve been scouring the web for all those species and did see the Sajica at Absolutely fish but form some reason, their website won’t ship to me address. Figured I’d call them. Also found several sources for Cutteri. TBH, I’d prefer Sajica and may just wait for them to come around again. They seem to hit in seasons even though almost all fish in the hobby are CB.

Panamensis is definitely a thought also. Was looking for those as well but doesn’t appear any online vendors or my local shops have them except for one wholesale source.
There is a online vendor called Danbury aquarium that had/has cutteri listed if their stock list is still up to date. Also tangled up in cichlids has a pair of myrnae on the list. I imagine if they are like most convict types they could populate that tank in no time haha.
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Thank you brother . Was thinking about the Myrnae. Are they pugnacious enough to hold their own? I know Cutteri, Chets, and Sajica can like the convicts and HRPs but am concerned the Nanos, Myrnae, and Altofavvus may be too timid. Would love your opinion on them.

There is a online vendor called Danbury aquarium that had/has cutteri listed if their stock list is still up to date. Also tangled up in cichlids has a pair of myrnae on the list. I imagine if they are like most convict types they could populate that tank in no time haha.
No problem! It's been about eight years since I had a group of them in a 125 gallon ( alot smaller than your working with ). I had mine with a nicaraguense cichlid male and a couple firemouth cichlids. When a occasional turf war broke out the myrnae would back down to no one lol. Convict like, although as you said I did not have mine with the heavy hitters. They are beautiful fish though.
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No problem! It's been about eight years since I had a group of them in a 125 gallon ( alot smaller than your working with ). I had mine with a nicaraguense cichlid male and a couple firemouth cichlids. When a occasional turf war broke out the myrnae would back down to no one lol. Convict like, although as you said I did not have mine with the heavy hitters. They are beautiful fish though.
This is great info. Just messaged Kevin. How big did your female get when full grown?
From what I remember male was around 4"-4 1/2" and female 3- 3 1/2" when I switched that tank up. Kevin will definitely be able to steer you in the right direction!