I couldn't agree more with the other posters, awesome job!
I too would love to see more pictures!
I do have a question though. I get how your "out" lines work for your sump system, and I love the under gravel inlet feature you have. My question is though, how do you prevent a back feed/siphon from your under gravel setup? Is it a similar way to how the "out" side works?
Updated pic. I'll post a whole tank pic as soon as I find the camera, this pic was from my cell phone. Guess the Fish! I'm back to natives love this guy went from 3" to over 12" since I got him/her in May of this year.
The out pipes had a siphon break in them that was above the waterline so the tank would overflow before the lines would. I dont have a sump anymore I have 2x FX5's now. Low fish load so the two are more than enough.
Thanks, Here is the whole tank shot atm. I haven't been able to do much at all with work school and family life. I'll be trimming the Algae back a bit in some spots. My Bowfin loves to creep through it. Hopefully the Christmas bonus is nice this year so I can add some driftwood again.
Great looking tank. I believe I found my template for my build.
That is 600g of awesomesauce.
I'm a reefer though...do you know anything about any bad effects with the sweetwater and the corosiveness of saltwater? I've tried to find some threads on it, but can't.