You keep going back to the weight of the water on the bottom panel. It's not about that, it's about the FORCE on the SIDE PANELS of the aquarium.
Explained better than I can, bullet point 4:
Physics of the fish tank
Welcome to my article on physics of the fish tank. I should start out saying that you could easily keep fish with out actually knowing any of this. It is however, in my opinion, interesting and of some value in understanding some of the aspects of aquaria. I have included some examples
Wouldn't it be about both? I'd estimate pressure forces on the front and rear panels to be in the neighborhood of approx 2000# but I'd estimate the weight of the water (only) on the bottom pane to be approx 6000#. It is the deflection of the bottom pane that (may have) resulted in the compromised seal and likely not the other way around, no?