96 x 30 x 24 Tank and Arowana Species

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can we rewind and go back a few threads because you're travelling at the speed of light here. I'm going dizzy.

It all started off with your 96x24x24 tank which you haven't even had built yet. Then you needed advice on whether the tank could go on a 2nd floor when you move apartments next year.

So that's a tank that you don't even have yet, going in an apartment that you don't even own yet.

Then you bring up the subject of keeping a piraya in this non existent tank. That subject was talked to death only for you to then start going on about a GG in your yet to be made tank. And now the arowana is getting dragged into the discussion!

Honestly, I don't know whether i'm coming or going.:duh:

Okay yes I am scatterbrained with all of this I will admit. I always try to control my Aspergers but sometimes it gets away from me as you can clearly see. But as Nilsafeller said I am very excited as well. So double jeopardy lol. I go from one thing to another very quickly. I try to learn and eat up as much information as I can as quickly as I can. I just want to make sure I'm making the right decisions. Trust me in that I know that some people find this very frustrating. I've seen it my whole life especially growing up. Some people are more understanding while others couldn't give a damn about it and think I should conform to a certain way of thinking and behavioral action. That I understand. But let me lay it all out in one message and hopefully all of the confusion can be laid to rest.

So the very first few threads I made if I can remember correctly, were about RB piranhas and tank size. I wanted to know more about them. How they acted, how to care for them etc etc etc. I then created some more about other species asking questions about them. I wanted to settle on a fish and audiction was the first person who told me about Piraya. I started to do research on them as well as create a number of threads trying to gain as much information as I could. The internet didn't have all that much information on them besides the basics and if we're being honest, also had blatantly incorrect and misleading information as well as I went on to learn. But as I started to learn more about Pirayas, the more I fell in love. I had initially thought I was going to have a 125 max built but then as time went on that has changed to be able to fit a Piraya.

So when I had settled on Piraya I found that many people had different opinions on I should house one in. Some said a 125 was fine for life while others said absolutely not. 180 minimum. After more looking into it I figured that if I went with 96 x 24 x 24 I would be solid and have a big tank for the future to house other things as well. The majority agreed that this size tank would house a Piraya and be good for one for life. That's when I started talking about the 96 x 24 x 24 and asking if it would fit in an apartment because I know that in a year or so I will be moving for school into an apartment. This was before I had settled on the tank maker. I was doing preemptive research. Because if there was no chance for me to have one in an apartment then there would be no point of even pursuing this whole thing any further. I have since then, accepted the fact that any tank this size or larger will need a ground floor apartment to house safely. I am taking a risk in having it built.

So fast forward a bit more and I had got in contact with the tank maker Saline Soultions. I had some quotes given to me and settled on 96 x 24 x 24. I put the down payment down and they started the drawings. A few days after this I started to think about the future. I am paying a very large amount of money to have this built and if it can't house the other big fish that I would like to keep then what's the point of building it? I contacted Saline and asked if it was too late to change and they said the building hadn't started so yes I could. So then I created other threads on different fish species that I would like to keep asking if the 96 x 24 x 24 would be big enough for them. This is when Dloks started to hijack my threads because he was becoming annoyed. Either that or sometime before. And I admit that I did create a lot of them hastily, but did so because the tank makers needed to know what I wanted to do ASAP. I didn't think I was breaking any rules either way. I don't see anything wrong with asking questions.

Very helpful people like thebiggerthebetter started to tell me that Datnoids etc would need more than 24" width so then I started to think why not go 30"? It will cost about $1000 more but I am trying to get a deal on the tank if I can. I still have yet to hear back from them on if they would do that. The gentleman has been busy and I understand that. But anyway, if I went 30" then I wanted to know if it would fit the other fish I would like to house in the future. So I created the threads on GG, Datnoid and Arowana. I wanted to gain opinions, spark discussion and learn basically.

So the tank is being made for a Piraya but has been put on hold until I see if I can get a deal on 96 x 30 x 24. I am trying to go that way so i can house other species in the future.
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Hes just excited I think! Lol getting as much info he can about diff species... one thing I know from my own experience is you always wanna try more fish... different fish... and it almost never works out.. so in one way ya his threads clash with one another like crazy but I also kind of understand.... now! If he doesnt even end up getting this said tank... ends up deleting his account cause he doesnt even end up in the hobby because of whatever circumstance.... thatd be upsetting lol

This exactly. There's a lot of information to gather and I'm just trying to make sure that I don't miss anything. But people are becoming annoyed with me which is very discouraging to be honest. I have to admit that I don't have the same fire I had before with everyone becoming upset with my threads. All I'm trying to do is learn. And people find that annoying. Who knew?
They are definitely not like Piraya haha. They definitely can and do reach sizes close to 30" in captivity, with 36" being a remarkable specimen. I have seen one that was just shy of 38" in a 1000G in door pond. Because they have great turning ability, the confines of the tank width dont hamper their growth as much as other fish. At least thats my educated guess, but they have no problem growing quite large. Id say your tank is at the very cusp of whats acceptable for a generic sized arowana for life

Is this for Jardini as well? The stickies say 24" is their max size. But thebiggerthebetter has said that 30" wouldn't be enough either. And I hear a lot of different opinions on that as well. In the facebook groups some people say it is enough while others say it's not.
Have you actually seen a 24” Asian arowana? I haven’t. But a 9x3x3 is comfortable for an Asian arowana. Most aros besides the silver and black would be comfortable in a tank that large.

How big do Asians typically get anyway? I thought that, given the stickies, that Jardini was the smallest. That's why I asked about them.
Well it is a little frustrating to se the same thread except for diffrent species come once a day.

Why just dont make a thread with the question wich species for the tankdimensions of youf choice?

By that im speaking of 33 threads in a month? That maybe twice as much threads as the average forum member starts in a year.

There is started 3-4 threads by you just nu substrate for piranhas?

Aint trying to be negative on you but as i said its kind of frustrating.
Is this for Jardini as well? The stickies say 24" is their max size. But thebiggerthebetter has said that 30" wouldn't be enough either. And I hear a lot of different opinions on that as well. In the facebook groups some people say it is enough while others say it's not.
Jardini max out around 24" with them normally staying around 20 or 22". But while they stay smaller they have a harder time turning, thats why a lot of people say they need more than a 24" tank. personally I feel a Jardini could be okay for quite a while, maybe 3 to 5 years in your tank. But what a lot of people forget to do is imagine the depth and width of even an 18" fish. We always think about the length almost like the fish is a piece of string, but the size of an 18" fish is so much more than just its length. So while an 18 to 24" fish could be fine in a 30" wide tank, trust me when Ill say you'll look at it and wish it had more room. I have 9 peacock bass thatre 4" to 7" in a tank with your same footprint and Im already about to start setting up a separate, larger, growout for some of the fast growers. Its hard to visualize this all through a computer but you'll see. The good news is it sounds like youre not hurting for space and should you need a bigger tank down the road Im sure you wouldnt mind upgrading for a jar.
Shouldn't the stickies be changed then? I had read that Jardinis get to a max size of 24" and that they can be housed in a 96 x 30 x 24 on the stickies.

As well, how long would it take a Jardini to reach max size? Would it take 10 years?

I am not challenging the stickies or anyone personally. I am stating my opinion grounded in my first hand experience. And so is most of everyone else (I hope). It's your job to compile all the answers and choose your model of thinking for now. Opinions will always vary because people's experiences and perceptions vary.

I think 10-15 years, but I saw 20"-23", several specimen offered on MFK for sale and these were way under 10 years, like 6 years old.

So an Asian Arowana wouldn't work in a 9x3x3?
Guess I'll give up on that idea then.

As much as I would have liked, please, don't listen to me alone. Learn from everyone and choose then.

Have you actually seen a 24” Asian arowana? I haven’t. But a 9x3x3 is comfortable for an Asian arowana. Most aros besides the silver and black would be comfortable in a tank that large.

There is some truth to that, I agree, but my statement comes from a different perspective.

All is relative. I have kept arowana in small, medium, large, and very large tanks and ponds. My experience shows to me that arowana are so obviously happier in larger tanks (when compared side by side, so to speak of my experience), I mean for me there is no argument that they love the space and it is understandable because they always swim.

You rehome an apurensis catfish from 240 to 4500 gal and there is no change. Same behavior, same comfort, same everything. It's an sedentary, ambush fish. Not so with the aros and their bad mood in smaller tanks is often expressed in the dangerous jumping and even skittishness, not to mention aggression to tank mates.
I am not challenging the stickies or anyone personally. I am stating my opinion grounded in my first hand experience. And so is most of everyone else (I hope). It's your job to compile all the answers and choose your model of thinking for now. Opinions will always vary because people's experiences and perceptions vary.

I think 10-15 years, but I saw 20"-23", several specimen offered on MFK for sale and these were way under 10 years, like 6 years old.

As much as I would have liked, please, don't listen to me alone. Learn from everyone and choose then.

There is some truth to that, I agree, but my statement comes from a different perspective.

All is relative. I have kept arowana in small, medium, large, and very large tanks and ponds. My experience shows to me that arowana are so obviously happier in larger tanks (when compared side by side, so to speak of my experience), I mean for me there is no argument that they love the space and it is understandable because they always swim.

You rehome an apurensis catfish from 240 to 4500 gal and there is no change. Same behavior, same comfort, same everything. Not so with the aros and their bad mood in smaller tanks is often expressed in the dangerous jumping and even skittishness, not to mention aggression to tank mates.
I would definitely agree with TBTB's statement about the aggression especially with Jardinis. From what I've seen, everytime a jar has lost its head and wrecked the tank, it was usually around a time in its growth where it looked to be getting cramped. Ive kept multiple over the years and never had one get aggressive but I also never kept one in a tank less than twice its length
Well it is a little frustrating to se the same thread except for diffrent species come once a day.

Why just dont make a thread with the question wich species for the tankdimensions of youf choice?

By that im speaking of 33 threads in a month? That maybe twice as much threads as the average forum member starts in a year.

There is started 3-4 threads by you just nu substrate for piranhas?

Aint trying to be negative on you but as i said its kind of frustrating.

I've already created a stocking question and didn't get many responses. So I figured by creating multiples on each species in the appropriate places, that I could get the information I needed from the experts that scour their respective threads. But it really surprises me that it annoys people to ask questions on a forum like this. Before I started to post I saw many posts saying that all questions are welcome and that this was not a community that just simply said use the search function. This made me feel comfortable to post.

But then everyone loses their minds on me for posting things. I've never seen a forum that had so many members against the posting of threads. I get why it can be become annoying but I also don't understand why people can't just ignore it if they don't wish to answer. But now I feel as though I can't ask questions anyway and that really is discouraging. I want to know more about Kelberi too, but if I can't post a thread asking people about them without everyone losing their minds, what's the point?

But what's so bad with seeing a similar post with a different species? Where's the harm? I'm new and I want to learn more about the different fish. I want to know what my tank can handle. I tried bundling them all together and that didn't seem to work. Obviously doing it this way may have created undo and negative feelings but people did respond and take time out of their day to help me out. And I appreciate that so much. If a new member comes tomorrow and starts asking a bunch of questions, I would be glad to help them if I could. I wouldn't find it annoying. Even if they did ask similar questions. But eventually as YBYB said you have to put all of this into practice to really get going. Talking amongst people only gets you so far.
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I've already created a stocking question and didn't get many responses. So I figured by creating multiples on each species in the appropriate places, that I could get the information I needed from the experts that scour their respective threads. But it really surprises me that it annoys people to ask questions on a forum like this. Before I started to post I saw many posts saying that all questions are welcome and that this was not a community that just simply said use the search function. This made me feel comfortable to post.

But then everyone loses their minds on me for posting things. I've never seen a forum that had so many members against the posting of threads. I get why it can be become annoying but I also don't understand why people can't just ignore it if they don't wish to answer. But now I feel as though I can't ask questions anyway and that really is discouraging. I want to know more about Kelberi too, but if I can't post a thread asking people about them without everyone losing their minds, what's the point?

But what's so bad with seeing a similar post with a different species? Where's the harm? I'm new and I want to learn more about the different fish. I want to know what my tank can handle. I tried bundling them all together and that didn't seem to work. Obviously doing it this way may have created undo and negative feelings but people did respond and take time out of their day to help me out. And I appreciate that so much. If a new member comes tomorrow and starts asking a bunch of questions, I would be glad to help them if I could. I wouldn't find it annoying. Even if they did ask similar questions. But eventually as YBYB said you have to put all of this into practice to really get going. Talking amongst people only gets you so far.
So instead of patiently waiting for people, you force them to be annoyed and answer your question. You don’t need to make another thread will a kelberi fit in your current nonexistent tank. You can simply use the amazing search function that this forum has to offer and see there’s about 1500 threads on kelberi max size alone and will it fit. You seem a troll asking if a jardini will fit better in a 30” vs 24”. It’s common sense that obviously the bigger the tank space the better. Are you going to make another thread asking what’s a better tank? Because please don’t I’ll go ahead and tell you that a 30” wide tank is far better than a 24” wide tank. Matter fact 25” is better than 24” wide and 26” is better than 25” wide...... here’s another one to 27” is better than 26” wide. All questions are welcomed. Just ask in one thread.... and really think about what you’re asking.. does it make sense.... do I really need people’s opinion about what sand I really like. Is having 20 bucks better than having 3 dollars?