A beautiful SH!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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jelly said:
Thats where I got mine, think it was £65 or £69, Was about 7" when I got it about two months ago, now 12" I nearly got a wolf from there but didn't seem interesting enough. They did have a red wolf as well that i nearly bought.

Good shop!

They now have a Channa sp. Assam for £85 i am trying to sort a tank out for. Expensive considering its one of the dwarfs and has been breed in captivity.
:eek: wow. channas cost a lot in your country!!
Thanks It cost only about USD20
do you have it in a 10 inch tank? :D

Hey sgland - channas like that, golden cobra snakehead etc are quite expensive.

A baby micropeltes or a gachua or something like that is cheap. Not many places stock them, but the places that do sell them for £5 or 10 for a baby.
jelly said:
Thats where I got mine, think it was £65 or £69, Was about 7" when I got it about two months ago, now 12" I nearly got a wolf from there but didn't seem interesting enough. They did have a red wolf as well that i nearly bought.

Good shop!

They now have a Channa sp. Assam for £85 i am trying to sort a tank out for. Expensive considering its one of the dwarfs and has been breed in captivity.

You down south have it hard you can get sp assam up here (manchester) for 12 pounds, and i got a 9" Aruanti for 30 pounds from BAS, but i would still like a trip to wildwoods for a look round.
rumblesushi said:
jelly - that's some growth rate. What have you been feeding it? And what is their max size?

Also what size and price was the red wolf? They seem 10x better than hoplias.

Always a few Red wolfs at BAS 15 quid for a 3" fish.
btw jelly and wayne, when i went to wildwoods a few months ago they had one cobra SH, around 8 inches for 85 quid.
BAS is in bolton just outside manchester, always have unusual fish in at good prices too. gutted i passed up on Channa asiatica last xmas for 50, hoping they will get them again, just waiting on ATF's now.
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