A beautiful SH!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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rumblesushi said:
jelly - that's some growth rate. What have you been feeding it? And what is their max size?

Also what size and price was the red wolf? They seem 10x better than hoplias.

The red wolf was about £35. about 4" in length. To be honest didn't look that interesting either.

He is growing quickly, My SH has a varied diet of frozen fish, prawns and shrimp.
Live shrimp once a week and a cricket a couple of times a week, the odd bit of chicken or fish from my dinner and some Arowana pellets. Max size 16" to 18".

Wildwoods is expensive for fish like that. Plays on the ignorance of its customers I think, They put up a little info plac to tell you how special or rare the fish is. Some fish as stated before are cheap, Red SH were £3 odd last time I saw them, Most snakeheads are around £5 to £15 when they have them. They do have a good selection of fish, its a big store. The most expensive fish they have at the moment is zebra plecs at £245.

To be honest most of the shops down here are expensive. Most charge around the £2 mark for a Neon.

I guess you pay what you have to. I did get a price for the Sp. Assam from Tom halvorsen, £22 each, 6-8cm. But he has none in stock. If you guys know of anyone that has them let me know. I really want one, A pair if I can get them.
Tom halvorsen isn't that cheap either. have you tried Wholesale trop's they deliever too :)
wayne the pain said:
BAS is in bolton just outside manchester, always have unusual fish in at good prices too. gutted i passed up on Channa asiatica last xmas for 50, hoping they will get them again, just waiting on ATF's now.

Wildwoods do normally have ATF's none in at the moment thought. They have the usual freshwater barracudda's, needle fish and have some Vampire Tetras in at the moment.

Does BAS have any Sp. assam now? do they have a website.

PM'd you ;)
A truely Beautiful fish, I wish they could still be imported here.
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