...and if you've ever thought you might like to take a crack at brewing a batch of Guinness a fine gentleman by the name of Charlie Papazian(sp) has a recipe for what he calls Toad Spit Stout. Strikingly tasty although it's missing that slight unusual aftertaste that seems a little like it might be off but not by much.
It used to be worth the hassle. Maybe less so now as I prefer to be a little more slovenly than brewing and bottling allow.
I've occasionally toyed with the idea of making my own beer; still might give it a go now that I am retired and have lots of time. But I have a good friend who not only makes it and provides me with all I need, but more importantly he loves the process and is always experimenting with new and interesting recipes. Many I find undrinkable, but there are several he makes that put virtually any commercial beer to shame. His Milk Stout and Oatmeal Stout are amazing, with a flavour that matches or exceeds my favourite Guinness; his only downfall is the inability to use those cool little carbonating inserts that fizz up each bottle as it is opened. Even without those, the head on his Stouts can practically be eaten with a spoon. Incredible beer! When you take a sip of beer and end up with what looks like a "mild moustache", you know you're onto something special!
He also makes a terrific Fat Tire, and labels the bottles he puts up for me Fat'n'Tired.
I won't live long enough to match his craftsmanship, so...why try? My innate thriftiness will force me to drink up anything I make...so odds are that I will be drinking absolute crap instead of my buddy's heavenly brews. No thanks.
Fixed it for you.
1.That Goldfish (Nugget)
2. That Other Goldfish (Dat)
3. This Goldfish Here (Dis) they would be Dis and Dat
4. This Other One (Outlander)
5. The Smallest One (Atom Ant)
6. The Second Smallest One (Twopiece)
7. The Big-Ass One (Fatback)
8. The Fat One (Gordo)
9. The Really Fat One (Butterball)
19. 20. 21. These Other Guys (Tom, Dick, Harry)
Sure, easy for you to say...but even you with your penchant and skill for naming fish petered out after #9 and skipped right ahead to the end!
For the record: I love Dis and Dat, and would add The Udder Ting to make it a trio. My Dad would have loved that!
Maybe I will rely upon my granddaughters after all to provide names. The older (10) came up with the name We Are Groot for a bunch of indistinguishable baby leeches spawned in one of my tanks. This was in response to a friend who pegged my then-gigantic school of Rosy Reds, probably numbering well over 2000 at that point, with the moniker The Borg.
I am going to suggest a similar sort of "group name" and see what she comes up with. She never fails to amuse and surprise, so this should be good.
She didn't like my attitude, and snuck down and got me.
My Dutch neighbors, named her Jackie.
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Wow! I hadn't realized that you left that gigantic critter hanging in place after taking its pic!
I couldn't do that. After snapping the pic I would have caught it and relocated to a far-distant location, at least giving it a chance to survive.
If my wife found a spider the size of an emaciated hamster anywhere near or...heaven forbid...
inside the house...I'd be patching a shotgun-blast-sized round hole in a wall or ceiling.