Above the Tavern with Parka!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
What a fantastic surprise!
So far I trapped 22 pretty well developed fry, about 1 inch to 1.5" and i did see one that was the size of a grain of rice. I use that hoop net to catch my fish all the time, so easy!

And um, that's not me in the meeruh, that's My Inner Junkie! Listen Guys, My Land Lady and My Inner Junkie do NOT get along and the Good News is that My Inner Junkie has convinced me, he was relentless, he talked me into the purchase of an additional Outdoor Pool! Very Exciting!
The hoop net!.jpg

For the time being I will raise the fry in this 30 gallon tub.
30 gallon tub.jpg

These UG filters with a bed of lava rock have been working in all three of my large tanks and all my tanks are pristine looking, the water is as clear as can be.
DIY under gravel reverse flow filter.jpgA very good filter.jpg
Did you lose many of the adult koi to the heron?
Maybe they are still hiding, I haven't seen them in a few days! I tole My Guide Bear to guard the Outdoor Pool but when I came back, it looked like he was eating something and he was INSIDE the pool! So i'm not sure... I bet they are just hiding, that bird scared My Splashers real bad! I bet it had its scary ass beak in the water!
What is the plan for the mega-air pump?
My plan is to remove some or all of the Circulation Pumps from the Mighty Chicago and run a bunch of air stones instead because the circulation pumps tend to grind up and spit out a lot of the smaller animals and I'm hoping I can get enough water movement with air. Water movement is a big deal! Plus I love gadgets, especially hobby gadgets. I have two of those style pumps now, an 18 watt and the new 40 watt. These pumps with the cooling fins on them remind me of a little Honda 50 engine. About these pumps, I like to run a small fan on them because they run cooler and quieter when not hot. Air Power!

Good Afternoon, Monsters... (and Dummies!)

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Oh, Good Evening! I wanted to Show Off my Koi Nursery.
Koi nursery.jpg

And my pool was delivered today, it's another Intex giant kiddie pool but it does not have that inflatable top ring. It is round, 10 feet diameter and 30" tall with flat sides and it is supported with steel poles. I gotta get digging, I take lots of breaks, I might even try to take me a Practice Nap in the backyard, I got plenty of ideas!

Good Evening!
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Hmmmmm! Wonder which category I'm in.

Looking awesome! So much satisfaction in spawning fish, especially when it happens by accident. Can't wait to see the new pool up and running.
I got a lot of the digging done, I worked on it for two days, not all day long but I keep after it and tomorrow I think I 'might' be ready to start the final grade to level the ground. The backyard is sloped so I dig out the front area, I use a pick to break the ground, very dry BTW, and then I use a garden hoe to pull it back and I will have gigantic pile of backfill to fill and level the back area, It's similar to hard work but I take plenty of breaks in between the work, My Inner Junkie keeps me company and we have a blast!

I also have not, NOT SEEN, my Big Koi but I still have a strong gut feeling that they in hiding. I hope to have the new pool up by the weekend or sooner and I'd like to fill it with rainwater and maybe some water changes from my indoor tanks and then also, I might remove the ALL the water lettuce just temporarily and find out for sure if my Koi are hiding. I say yes.

I probably have about 40 baby Koi in the Nursery Tub. Every day I check that hoop net and every day there has been 3 or 4, sometimes more of the Koi fry.
I'm having a really good summer, great even, and I stay very involved at the Community Garden. Friday is my day to water all the Pantry Beds plus the Okra, Blueberry Bushes, Fig Bushes, the Herb Garden, all that stuff and now I am also the Monday watering person, I use my Boss Bike at the Garden and my Silver Power Wheels in the backyard. Pictures tomorrow!
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Still no new pics, I haven't gone anywhere because I started a dig for another pool and for three days I been scratchin away at it and it is ready to be graded/leveled and then the plan is to set the pool up tomorrow and then I will fill it with rainwater and maybe water change water if the rain is too infrequent. I dint even get sore at all, it's just another advantage of being a True He-Man, plus I can brag about it! Two birds with one stone with both hands at the same time!

When I start the next build, The NYC of Plywood Aquariums, once I start, it will be completed in 8 weeks. Although I pre-cut the pieces for the Cleveland build, I built that stand, tank and hood in just 5 weeks. It's on the front burner. The next build.

I'm feeling 50/50 that my outdoor Koi got taken by the Blue Heron, I wont know for sure until I make a real effort to see if I can spot any. They used to splash around all the time and I have not seen any sign of them in over a week. If they got eaten, not a major bummer, sorta is, I can't have it happening again though.

This weekend I can chat with pics, Good Evening!
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Good evening, I’m doing this report from my phone.

Parka Parka Self Reporting! I was gone all day today, I had another Doctor thing in Atlanta and those turn into a full day for me so my hobby pool dugout has to wait until tomorrow for the final grade, it is very close to being leveled already and the last bit should go quickly as should the pool setup, and I have a huge pile of dirt that I can keep moving around to make the roadways around my pools, I even have different entry and exit ramps, Power Wheels!

In other exciting news, my 40 or so Juvenile Koi are thriving in the 30 gallon nursery tub and um, they will probably get there very own outdoor pool, and also tomorrow I will be making a sincere inspection to see if my Big Koi are hiding or eaten.

Now it was a few weeks back when I cut all the roots off of the water lettuce in the Mighty Chicago, and the new roots are 20 inches long again! I might trim them again, undecided because I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not?

Now pay attention, I can chat about the pics later, I can Boast later, at my convenience however, no time better than now to Show Off!IMG_0066.jpeg
Good Evening, this is drop off, of pictures. I can chat it up later.

I was out there today thinking I'm ready for the final level, I had it raked nice and smooth, it was flat... but the the high end was still 2 inches high so instead of using fill dirt to fill in the back lower part, I scraped the front half out and have even a larger fill dirt pile! So absolutely for sure tomorrow, unless it rains, but right now I'm not sore, only a little bit, but I feel sorta exhausted, Good Evening, Friends!Hobby Living!.jpgplecos in the Mighty Chicago.jpgtop and left half of Cleveland.jpgfrom pool, in the Cleveland.jpgNew roots Chicago.jpg

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Good looking plants. Unreal how extensive the root systems are on the water lettuce. I'm curious as to whether you have smart, hiding koi or long ago digested koi!
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