Above the Tavern with Parka!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Parka Parka , Self Reporting with Gusto & Vigor and the three of us have Fantastic News concerning the Czech style airlift! My Inner Junkie is all excited too, he's smokin my shoe laces!

I tested the pvc version vs airstone in the Mighty Chicago and keep in mind, the same pump that I used is already running 13 large air stones, 8 in the Chicago and 5 in the Cleveland and the Czech version once again had more than twice the flow of the typical air stone uplift tube. The Czech style filled a liter of water in less than 4 seconds! It took almost 10 seconds for the air stone to fill the same container. The Czech style was so strong that it was lifting up and spitting out the pea gravel substrate, Holy Smokes!!!

And in more exciting news, in the meantime I was curious how well the 40 watt air pump would drive both tanks so I swapped out the 55 watt with the 40 watt and still got those great results. These Czech airlift tube are FOR REAL,

Before I had the 55 watt air pump, I was using the 40 watt on the Chicago and the 18 watt on the Cleveland. When I got the 55 watt I also bought a pair of 3/8" valve air splitters for the reason to run all three tanks with one air pump. And now it looks the 40 watt air pump will be up to the task. I have realized that using multiple air stones really does create a LOT of water movement, please don't underestimate how beneficial water movement is to the health of a tank!

On the left is the Czech style airlift tube, air stone on the right.
water flow test.jpg

I'm using the air pump in the middle, when I have all three tanks set up, I may go with the larger 55 watt pump, TBD!
air splitter valve 3-8 incch.jpg

I did the test using the 40 watt air pump that is already driving 13 of these 2" ball air stones, the keep the surface roiling!
2 inch air stone.jpg

After the test was over I wedged the new high performance Czech style in the Cleveland with a sponge, just because. Good Evening!

Czech style airlift tube with sponge, in the Cleveland.jpg