Above the Tavern with Parka!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I can't wait until I have news worthy of a @Parka Self Report with Vigor & Gusto!

Because of the lack of excitement followed by disappointment whenever I visit the Petco's and Petsmart's, I decided to seek out an Aquarium club and I found one about 40 miles away from me. They meet next on Jan. 11 and I plan to be there, this does excite me! The problem is that I don't drive and I will need to make arrangements. If Frassy @Sassafras was my neighbor, I betcha he would take me, I DO have gas money! And Milk Money too, that's the name of really cool looking Shebunkin Goldfish that swims the Posh waters of the Sophisticated Cleveland, She is a Mermaid!

Anyway, my next build, The NYC of Plywood Aquariums, it has been put on hold. I have all the materials except for the silicone glue and wood screws, probably about an additional 200 dollars. The problem is my electric bill is already getting beat up by my hobby and also, I don't want to build another tank that won't fit out my 32" basement door, The Mighty Chicago is 34.5 inches wide front to back so I'm thinking of two options, build it to the original plan, about 40" wide, but build it outside underneath the deck, and then get rid of it maybe, I might even donate it to a deserving cause.

The other option is to build it narrow enough to fit out the door... but then I would like to make it THREE glass panels across the front, 22 feet long, 44" tall and 31" wide.

In the meantime I plan to put a decent looking front with doors and drawers on the stand of the Chicago and get the Akron moved in with the others and get all that in Show Off shape!

Good Day, Friends!
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This is hilarious! As I was reading your post about the aquarium club and not driving, I thought, "Man, I wish there was a club near me, If I were there, I'd drive him in a heartbeat". Then I read the next sentence and just had to laugh.

I know you'll work out the NYC game plan. I work slow and try to think through all the details and options. Is widening the doorway or making it into a French door (double) a possibility?
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This is hilarious! As I was reading your post about the aquarium club and not driving, I thought, "Man, I wish there was a club near me, If I were there, I'd drive him in a heartbeat". Then I read the next sentence and just had to laugh.

I know you'll work out the NYC game plan. I work slow and try to think through all the details and options. Is widening the doorway or making it into a French door (double) a possibility?
It is but it would be a really big chunk of work for me to DIY and to hire it out, it would be a small fortune and at the moment I'm just not ready for either choice. And I also don't want to upset my Land Lady so putting it on hold is the choice I chose!

Before I drained the Hard Working Akron I was able to catch about 20 Giant Danio fry and only 5, maybe 6, (very hard to count!) survived in the Mighty Chicago. I have 11 full grown Giant Danios and either they or the Pictus, maybe both probably ate the fry. Soon enough the juvies will be big enough to join the school pack.

I really like using these pre-filters and since I added plants in with the Goldfish, the pre-filters need cleaned occasionally and I have extras and it's so convenient to just swap out the dirty one with a clean one and then clean the dirty sponges for the next swap.
Pre-filter exchange.jpg

The Cleveland was in need of an algae removal from the glass and back panel and I like to do that in the middle of a water change, before the refill.
Another water change.jpg
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Hi friends! @Parka , Final Self Report of '24!

Just a few pics, I WILL be going on a Bike Ride tomorrow, forecast is for sunny skies and temps in the mid to upper 50's, I might have a pic to show after dark tomorrow, very exciting!

But for today I have more of my Goldfish pics, the water in the Posh Cleveland is about 65 degrees and I put some styro-foam sheets over the windows to help keep the cold out, basement is not heated and the air temp is at 62 degrees and I expect it to gradually drop as much as 5 more degrees before it starts to rise again in early March. I'm feeding them every other day until then.

I been making apple pies. I made some at Thanksgiving and I made two more yesterday. I used pre-made store bought crusts, I never made any dough before but I might give it a try one day, maybe not! Check out my pie filling.
apple pie filling.jpg

Rather Effin delicious!
Apple Pie.jpg

These guys here keep me company all the time! Niko and Otto

I have 5 of these Blue Gouramis and I really like them, I like how they swim through the Water Lettuce roots. It's my understanding that the can get up to 6" long, that excites me because they are very showy fish, they got glamour!
Blue Gourami Dec. '24.jpg

This is styro-foam packing from the glass on the Cleveland, I'm using it to insulate the cold windows when we have chilly nights.
Windows covered.jpg

This is Cher, a Butterfly Koi and for a while I almost wanted to change her name to Jamie Lee Curtis because she lacked the enchantment of Cher, I wanted her to have red lips but then she grew these gorgeous red streaks on her fancy flowing tail, like a gown, so pretty is My Cher!Cher Dec. '24.jpg

This is Milk Weed, My Inner Junkie favors Milk Weed Milk Shakes! Okay, see ya tomorrow! No, Wrong order! This is Milk MONEY, A Lady Mermaid!

Milk Money Dec. '24.jpg

This is Dottie and I feel like she could get that weird belly bloat and Croak on me! I hope not!
Dottie Dec. '24.jpg

This is MILK WEED! My Inner Junkie named him! True Story! My Inner Junkie is Jealous of Snoop Dog! Not me!
Milk Weed Dec. '24.jpg

Burnt Toast is Rather Regal, Yes?
Burnt Toast, Dec. '24.jpg

Okay, See ya tomorrow! Dummies!
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About my outdoor pool, this is what it looked like on Nov. 17, the Water Lettuce still looks very nice. Since then we have had maybe a dozen nights with below freezing temps and it has put a beating on the plants.

And then on Christmas morning you can see the result of those freezing temperatures. And notice the bird perched on the yard staff, I'm pretty sure it's a Falcon as opposed to a Hawk, BIRDING, in my backyard! Notice how the Water Lettuce looks bleached out.
Christmas Day.jpg

And then two days ago I removed all the Water Lettuce and a bunch of fallen leaves and swapped out the pre-filter. It warmed up to the low 60's with sun and I saw a bunch of my Koi occasionally swimming near the surface. It was a good sight to behold! @Parka , Self Reporting!
Dec. 31.jpg
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