The biofiltration in any tank, is based on a food/ micro-organism ratio, and dissolved oxygen content in the water.
As long as you have sufficient surface area for the microrganisms to grow on, addng more or different materials won't change anything.
Adding more biomedia doesn't increase the food to microorganism ratio efficiency..
Adding more fish and more waste could increase it, but not more tons of rings, or haircurlers, or lava rock, or some other new bio-configuration on its own.
your biobacteria are determined only by food (amonia, and nitrate) bacteria consume, and .......the dissolved oxygen in the water columbaerobes need to function, not the inanimate surfaces, bacteria latch onto as biofilm.
Of couse a sudden increase in fish population could overwhelm that poplation....
or a lengthy power outage that squandered DO enough to kill off that bio- bacterial population,...... could do some damage, especially if the tank is overcrowded and nitrates are elevated due to a lack of a sufficient water change routine .
As long as you have sufficient surface area for the microrganisms to grow on, addng more or different materials won't change anything.
Adding more biomedia doesn't increase the food to microorganism ratio efficiency..
Adding more fish and more waste could increase it, but not more tons of rings, or haircurlers, or lava rock, or some other new bio-configuration on its own.
your biobacteria are determined only by food (amonia, and nitrate) bacteria consume, and .......the dissolved oxygen in the water columbaerobes need to function, not the inanimate surfaces, bacteria latch onto as biofilm.
Of couse a sudden increase in fish population could overwhelm that poplation....
or a lengthy power outage that squandered DO enough to kill off that bio- bacterial population,...... could do some damage, especially if the tank is overcrowded and nitrates are elevated due to a lack of a sufficient water change routine .