• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

African Brown Knife Fish

How long have you had it now? Try frozen bloodworms. I usually have good luck with them.
Can these guys be kept with conspecifics? And do they eat pellets? Also would a BGK harass them?
Can these guys be kept with conspecifics? And do they eat pellets? Also would a BGK harass them?

Mine eat pellets.

No, I wouldn't think the bgk would be the one doing the harassing. Quite the opposite actually/
They shouldn't be kept with other ABKs however I have mine in a 55 with a clown knife and BGK with a few oddballs and a tiger shovelnose they all get along well for the most part as long as adequate hiding spots are provided. I love my ABK he has a one of Kind personality and is over his shyness and comes out all the time
I've had mine for about 2 years, starting with an Ctenopoma Acutirostre, some kribs, a butterfly fish and 2 Synodontis Nigriventris. Over time I have introduced a young Polypterus Retropinnis, a Senegalus and ropefish (which you can see in the Show off your Polypterus thead) and feeding them a variety of dried bloodworm, cubes of tubifex, frozen bloodworm, granuar, everyday flakes, jelly from daphnia and bloodworm and some self-raised live food now and then keeps it a happy tank. I guess you have to be lucky with almost all of these fish having a true personality, but they are thriving :-D

Note that some trial and error was done by adding Yellow Congo Tetras and Gnathonemus Petersii, and failed at that, especially making the Peters fish eat. Kind of bummed at that still.
Family: Notopteridae

Scientific Name: Xenomystus Nigri

Common Name: African Brown Knife

Origin: Africa. Coastal river basins in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Togo, Benin and Cameroon. Also in the Chad, the Nile, the Congo, the Niger (Benue and Niger Delta), the Ogôoué and the Congo (Cuvette Centrale and Ubangui) Basin

Water Parameters: pH 6.0-7.5, Temperature 75`F-82`F (23`C-27`C)

Temperament: Not Aggressive, but don't keep with small fish

Size: Average of 8" in aquarium

Tank Size: 50g minimum

Aquarium Set Up: A well planted and/or dim lit tank is most comfortable for them. Noctural in nature, so it is best to provide lots of hiding spaces. Small groups can be formed when they are small, however, as they get larger, they will become aggressive towards each other.

Feeding: Will except Flake, Frozen, Freeze-Dried, and Live.

Breeding: Difficult and rare in aquarium.

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Is this called Abba Abba as well ?