• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

African Brown Knife Fish

Is this called Abba Abba as well ?

Aba Aba Knives are part of the order of Osteoglossiformes, but that's about all. After that, they are part of a different Family, Genus, and of course, Species. There is a huge difference in size and temperament as well. African Knives (Xenomystus Nigri) are less aggressive and average around 8" while Aba Aba Knives (Gymnarchus Niloticus) can grow over 3' and are very aggressive. I'm not too familiar with Aba Aba Knives, but they can be quite a handful considering their size and aggression.
Aba Aba Knives are part of the order of Osteoglossiformes, but that's about all. After that, they are part of a different Family, Genus, and of course, Species. There is a huge difference in size and temperament as well. African Knives (Xenomystus Nigri) are less aggressive and average around 8" while Aba Aba Knives (Gymnarchus Niloticus) can grow over 3' and are very aggressive. I'm not too familiar with Aba Aba Knives, but they can be quite a handful considering their size and aggression.
A few things to add:

I have a duo of african knives in my 70 and after almost 2 weeks there is no injury or aggression since after the first hour in which the resident nipped and chased the newcomer a little before calming down. I am planning on adding a 3rd and adding more hiding spots.

Also for those struggling to feed crack out frozen bloodworm in late evening and hold a cube infront of their hiding spot and eventually they will start nibbling while my greedy pink tail stays well away.

Lastly their colouration varies based on environment. The one was dark brown from the LFS (black background, sides and bottom tank ) and is much lighter now with a lighter coloured gravel after only a week.

Just my 2c
I have to say that I've had up to five (5) adult AFBs (Xenomystus nigri) in my 90gal and they've *never* been a problem - either to each other or to tank mates. I currently have 3 and am awaiting an order for 3 more (PetSmart & Petco don't stock them anymore, so I had to special order from a LFS). I don't have a planted tank, but have gravel and a LOT of lacerock, so lots of places for them to hide. Never seen any territorial behavior from them, and they'll eat anything I put in, from flakes, pellets, bloodworms (live or dried), to red worms and Nightcrawlers.
I have to say that I've had up to five (5) adult AFBs (Xenomystus nigri) in my 90gal and they've *never* been a problem - either to each other or to tank mates. I currently have 3 and am awaiting an order for 3 more (PetSmart & Petco don't stock them anymore, so I had to special order from a LFS). I don't have a planted tank, but have gravel and a LOT of lacerock, so lots of places for them to hide. Never seen any territorial behavior from them, and they'll eat anything I put in, from flakes, pellets, bloodworms (live or dried), to red worms and Nightcrawlers.
They love plants. What size are they?

My larger knife sometimes snaps at the smaller knife but it's never serious
I love my Brown Knifes, but PS/PC shave both stopped seeling them (they don't know why, their supplier just no longer has them). I've checked with my main independent LFS and they say their supplier says the same thing, however the like African BLACK Knifes (not not GFSs). Is there any real difference?

I usually keep them in groups of 3-5, but am currently down to only one :(

They are more seasonal as far as I know, winter is rolling in here in Southern Africa, not sure when it comes up where the knives come from, they are usually shipped in winter

You need to get the scientific name.

How do they behave in groups? I just have a duo of 2 males right now
I have no info on Black Knifes at all - animal-world.com listed them as -
"The African Knife Fish Xenomystus nigri was described by Günther in 1868. They are found in many of the coastal rivers of Africa including the Congo, Nile, Niger, Ogooue, and Chad River basins. Most of the specimens that make it into the aquarium hobby are exported from Nigeria.

The species is listed on the IUCN Red List as Least Concern (LC). But it has a wide distribution with no known major threats. Other common names they are known by are African Brown Knife Fish, Black Knife Fish, Brown Knife Fish, Brown African Knifefish, African Black Knifefish, and Black African Knife Fish."

So perhaps they are the same species. I have 3 on order to find out.
What's the price on them? Most likely nigri.

Did you ever hear grunting from yours? :)
Well, the LFS wants ~$18.00US for each, while PS usually sold them for ~$9.00US each, but they tended to be small. So I have my fingers crossed!