African River Biotope Log

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Nice choice. He should be happy in there, a nice luxury home for a single fish. I don't know much about jewels, is it too risky to try for a pair?

Thank you for the nice comment. I'm sure it could have done a lot worse home-wise. Spoilt sucker has more of a varied diet than I do and the water is crystal clear!!

Getting a pair wouldn't be an issue and they are good breeders from what I've read. I don't think I'd have any issues getting rid of offspring either as the turquoise strain is more unusual. However I think I'll just enjoy the tank and fish as it is :)
Sorry to hear about the Jewel :(
Perhaps a shrimp tank then.
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Sorry to hear about the Jewel :(
Perhaps a shrimp tank then.

I had thought of a shrimp tank - would look awesome. But I would be worried about them climbing up the tree stump and escaping/jumping? I used to get this from cherry shrimp in a fluval chi.

I've got a thread going in the general forum asking for stocking ideas.. If anyone can help? I'm setting Thursday morning as my trip to the LFS's.
Looking good. I'm working on my African biotope at the moment. I still need a few plants.

Can't wait to see it!

Can never have too much anubias!

Funny you should say that. I got given another anubias nana as a freebe from the pea puffer supply haha! I'm really looking forward to all the plants establishing and spreading over the months and years!!
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Maybe if the tank is big enough, you could use a blue gularis killifish. They're large for killifish and fairly aggressive. I never put them with kribs so idk. But with enough overhead cover, they'll stay towards the top of the tank.
I agree with the above
Gularis are wonderful, hardy killifish that live about 3 years (as opposed to some of the annuals. that only live 1)
I kept the ones below in a similar size tank, with Anubias an other plants, and only a standard HOB filtration.
They are resilient enough to have had the Central American cichlid, Cribroheros Robertson juvie grow outs in the tank with them for a while.
Killifish are a great option. If you aren't completely rejecting African fish I would love to see anything in the Nothobranchius. The Gularis were a great recommendation and they are tough as nails. Another fish I have always dreamed of are the Microctenopoma ansorgii.