Do you know what kind of algae you have growing on the scubbers? It looked like there was a different kind growing on an upflow than on the waterfall scrubbers. Is that right?
I have about 5 different types, of algea, and one type of aquatic moss.
The water fall scrubber, is on my "green reef tank" it competes with 150 watts, of display lights. It was powered with a set of Santa Monica gem lights, for a long time. I tested a set of prototypes for Santa Monica.
It uses a poly canvas screen.
The upflow scrubber is in my " drift wood tank"
It uses a special hard screen of my own construction, .
It is powered with my own rouph built leds, the display light is a non photosynthesis 6500k tube. So it has more nutrients at its disposal.
Both are complete opposites, so comparing them is apples, to oranges.
The algea will "morph to the Nm spectrum, via, 435 nm a and b chlorophyll, and the 660nm a and b chlorophyll ranges.
I have seen this really with the moss. I can take 3 samples, one growing out side in my back yard, one under 660nm, one under 435nm and most people would call them different. But similar.
I don' know, the scientific names, of the top of my head. Rodaphyla phillieticus??
Red beard, long strand turf, short strand turf, blue green cyno, green slime,
It's like lawn grass, blue, crab, Timothy, Bermuda, some alfalfa , clover, with some fairy rings.