As clean as it gets. Self harvesting.
Scrubber chamber with sump pump.
Above the tank, mechanical filtration. The pipes on the left go into a sealed 55 gallon drum. For water changes, and cooling.
This tank has no bio media, less decorations. Nitrates have not increased, this week, still at 15ppm.
Mechanical filter gets cleaned about once a month.
Stocked with 14 adult African cichilds.
And one 10" pleco.
The glass is covered with tiles, made with the scrubber screen sand. A full length return bar, mounted at the bottom pushes, the pleco ammo, forward, then it gradually gets pulled into a 3/8" suction hole, in the base of the algea scrubber chamber box.
Once inside the box, it gets tornadoes until it is pulverized. The internal upflow scrubber, air wand, with a 450gph pump about 10" off the floor. Creates lots of turbulance.
The red valve is a left over from a fluidised sand filter, the I removed recently.