I have not closed the valve on the sand reactor, just yet as I am attached to those fish.
My 30 gallon fry tank will be first to test. It is in the loop to the sump. If ammonia builds too fast. I will easily be able to open one valve and cycle the water. Thru the sumps bio balls. I am not planning on any fatalities.
I just want to see how much of a bio load, an algae scrubber can handle. If it works, it will give me the ability to hold nitrate much lower than 20ppm, as most of the ammonia will get absorbed by algea, and not converted into nitrate.
I have always fish less cycled new tanks, allowing a couple of months to pass. So I am unsure as to how fast ammonia can build up. With 30 gallons and 30 inches of fish.
I have about 20 fish too cull from my main tanks, I will probably add a couple at a time until, ammonia is detected.
Thought maybe adding pure ammonia per day, to mimic so many fish. I have no idea, how much it would be.