• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Good read regarding the Giant Snakehead.:D

Feeding habits: Primarily a daytime feeder (Ng and Lim, 1990). Accounts of this species almost invariably describe it as a vicious predator on other fishes. Adult and perhaps subadult Channa micropeltes feed in packs, usually in midwaters or near the surface. Parents guard their eggs and young, and are reported to have attacked humans that approached a nest (Smith, 1945; Lee and Ng, 1991). Kottelat and others (1993) stated that anglers and swimmers who got too close to young were attacked, some seriously wounded, and that there have been fatalities. The report of fatalities was from local fisheries officials (Maurice Kottelat, personal commun., 2003).

Peter Ng (personal commun., 2002) commented that he knew of one instance where a man was nearly castrated by an attacking giant snakehead. Prey includes other fishes, frogs, and birds (Lee and Ng, 1994). Lee and Ng (1991) commented that authorities at the Singapore Botanic Gardens planned to remove C. micropeltes from ponds at that facility because this snakehead was feeding on cygnets. Ng and Lim (1990) referred to this species as the “most ravenous” of snakeheads, and they, Mohsin and Ambak (1983), and Roberts (1989) noted that it is known to kill more fishes than it consumes in its natural habitat.

Ng and Lim (1990) described the enlarged canine teeth of C. micropeltes as being knifelike, “with two cutting edges in crosssection,” the edges arranged perpendicular to the body axis. This allows shearing of prey.
An excellent species, what a strong looking Giant Snakehead and look at that powerful tail.

Taker said:
That's right Rayman, an excellent one, how is your Giant Snakehead doing? How big is he/she now? Getting more videos?:D
got one
ill send to LI soon.

he is getting fatter
Giant Snakehead's fries.



rayman45 said:
got one
ill send to LI soon.

he is getting fatter

That's awesome, how old and big is he now? And I am looking forward for the new video. Thank you.
An awesome picture, love the greenish colouration on its body that suits the green algae of the glass tank, looking wild.

A beautiful couple and love the decoration of the tank.

ok stop please
you tourching me.

mine is almost 2 years old
and about 33"
but since i got it he has gained girth
Ha ha, I will try not to:D. That's good about your Giant Snakehead. A Giant Snakehead's lifespan is from 10 to 15 years, who knows it could live longer. As much as I know, a German Shepherd dog lives that long. So this predator is truly a pet or is like apart of the family than just a fish in a glass tank. I truly miss having Giant Snakeheads, I can't wait to have them again.

I miss them making a mess all over the tank, I miss them not being able to accept a single fish swimming in the tank and must eat it until their bellies are swollen, I miss that everybody would want to watch them feed, I miss seeing them doing the alligator death role, I miss seeing the blood and scales of the feeder fish all over the water once they are done feeding, I miss the heart racing just not knowing what they are going to do this time when cleaning the tank, I miss them jumping like almost six feet away and slither quickly right under the couch as soon as they land, I miss their powerful wiggle in the fishnet knocking on the complete news paper closing on them demanding release that drives you crazy, and that frustration on my mom's face knowing what she has to go through helping me do it, I miss realizing that I then have had a shower, I miss them following my finger and fist through the glass tank, the faster I moved my finger and fist, the faster they moved their heads, I miss watching their eyes looking straight at you and keep watching you and are aware of their environment. Wow and the list goes on, Giant Snakehead, you are magnificent. :thumbsup:
Does anybody know how to identify Giant Snakeheads' sexes? This is confusing to me since I have read that a female Giant Snakehead would be lighter in colour compared to the male. Some even said that the female would be larger than the male, but I believe this is so because it is not unusual to see a 6 inches male with an 8 or 9 inches female.

What confuses me is that, it is also said that in alkaline water, Giant Snakeheads tend to be pale or light in colour unlike in the acidic water, where their colours would be very bright and strong. So this clashes with the identifying their sexes, unless you find the differences in the same type of water. Jean Francois Helias, the angler who is holding the Giant Snakeheads is a famous angler in Thailand and is known as ' Lung Fang' meaning Uncle Fang by the local people, told his tale of Giant Snakehead fishing, once he mentioned catching the females, the males but he did not describe which one is and how to identify them.

An angry, fierce looking Giant Snakehead. Its looks suit its temperament.
