• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
These are pale looking Giant Snakeheads, are these two below supposed to be females? Or was it due to the water being alkaline?


mine gets like that when i scare him by turning the lights on in the middle of the night
Well, let's just give the predator a kiss:D


rayman45 said:
mine gets like that when i scare him by turning the lights on in the middle of the night

Ohh! wow I have not heard this one yet, thank you so much Rayman. So that happens when it gets stressed, scared, or maybe we can say annoyed too? Lol, But tell me Rayman, how do you know your Giant Snakehead is a male since you have been calling it a 'he'? And thank you again! that was very informative. :thumbsup:
Another interesting read about the Giant Snakehead. :thumbsup:

The Latest Tropical Fishing Challenge

Here in Thailand the Pla Shado or Giant snakehead fish has a legendary strength .
We are speaking about one of nature’s mistake, a fish that should not be found in freshwater,
in fact his nickname in Thai is: “chalam nam tcheud” meaning: ”freshwater shark”.
What about his lifestyle?
Breaks rods, stretches hooks, cuts 40lbs braided wires and finally tries to bite you when practicing catch and release you take the hook off his mouth.
Powerful caudal and dorsal fins allow a mouth fully equipped to slash his preys on the strike.

The Giant snakehead attack is breath taking. When caught, he will dive deeply and rush to the nearest weedy spot then you will need all your skills to boat him.
Those qualities makes him the sport fish most search after in South east Asia.

Fly fishing for Giant Snakehead is not an easy game. Caught only by few fly fishers from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand
the fish own the reputation of almost impossible to catch on the fly.
Because, sight casting is difficult as the fish like to ambush in deep water among weeds waiting for fish to pass at his level or other preys on the surface of water.
Streamers and others baitfish patterns are difficult to bring into play considering the dense vegetation.
Therefore the use of poppers looks appropriate but the Giant Snakehead is very smart and most of the time he will follow the popper for few feet without striking it.

We know that the fish have strong sense of smell and are often caught with chicken intestine or baby mice.
Most of our catches happened on early morning and late afternoon when the weather was cooler and in low light conditions.
During spawning Giant snakeheads form couples to guard the nest then fingerlings. At this time of the year, for the period of the monsoon
(June to August), Giant Snakeheads are very aggressive and provide a great opportunity for fly fishermen to encounter the stunning predator.

Fly fishing for Giant Snakehead should be reserved to experienced fly fishermen willing to catch a fish of exception and to spend the time for it.

Lack of enthusiasm?
Keep in mind that there are far less Giant Snakehead caught on the fly than Permit!
PLA SHADO (Channa micropeltes) or GIANT SNAKEHEAD

The giant snakehead is the largest representative of the widespread snakehead genus Channa (formerly Ophicephalus). This extremely popular sport fish is avidly pursued in several Asian countries. There are tales of giant snakehead growing to absurd sizes and attacking and eating humans, but there is no scientific evidence of any such monsters and such tales should be treated as mythology. Fish have been recorded at over 35 kg, although fish over 15 kg are rare. Large snakeheads are solitary fish, which inhabit snags and heavily weeded areas. Submerged trees make an ideal home for an adult fish.They will remain under cover for most of the day, emerging only to feed and rarely swimming in mid-water. Like all snakeheads, they are predators, living on small baitfish and frogs, which are taken in one gulp. But with their sharp teeth and powerful jaws, the big snakeheads are capable of immobilizing large prey.

The Shado is Thailand’s equivalent of the European pike or the American muskellunge. It strikes viciously at lures, even crushes them. This is tug-of-war fishing, with the Shado frequently ending up the victor! Its predatory habits are legendary. Just like the pike, the Shado is a stalker, armed with a row of vicious teeth. It is a glutton, feeding to the point of regurgitation. The Giant Snakehead can eat any animal, including baby ducks and fallen birds! Hence it grows fast and big. It can grow very large indeed. The biggest Giant Snakehead ever caught so far at the Khao Laem dam was weighting 22 kg. It was not caught with a rod and line but by a local fisherman using a rope tied to a tree. The bait was a live Jungle Perch of a kilo. Much smaller ones can be a handful on 30 lb. tackle.
Love the colours of these Giant Snakeheads!




Taker said:
Ohh! wow I have not heard this one yet, thank you so much Rayman. So that happens when it gets stressed, scared, or maybe we can say annoyed too? Lol, But tell me Rayman, how do you know your Giant Snakehead is a male since you have been calling it a 'he'? And thank you again! that was very informative. :thumbsup:
same way i sex my dwarf sh.

let me find the pics and get back to you

A couple of C. spec. Assam. Left hand the male with its broader head and its more colorful dorsal fin. Right hand, the female whose head is not so broad but its belly.
my red looks like the one on the left