• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
phully- that pics looks almost like mine as far as the pattern
That one belonged to a friend of mine... think it was a lil' over the 2ft. mark. Had a really nice blue sheen on it's body... Beautiful animal! :bling: God bless the dead, now!:rip :(

barca are defantly cool...

but i love the how mean and how much mass they have
Yeah! I know what you mean, rayman... so do I! :thumbsup:

so how about this guy,,, looks to be half as MEAN as a red, at least?.. No?!! :SaiyanSmi :redface: :thumbsup:
I've read that redtailed catfish "shed" as well, when under stress. I imagine its the same in your case.
Ok time's up, looks like this has gone a little off-topic, back to All About The Giant Snakehead only:D. But I will definitely respond, and then we can go back to the topic :thumbsup:. And below are pictures of young Giant Snakeheads.







PhullTank57 said:
Ahh yes,,, love the Raging Redlines... but, love the Beauty of the Barcas even more!! :hearts: :bling:

(In no way do I mean to disrespect Channa Micropeltes, or offend any 'Giant Snakehead' Keepers out there... Much respect goes to the Mighty Micropeltes!) :headbang2

Exactly! and thank you for those beautiful Giant Snakehead pictures, and the Channa Barca looks amazing. I don't know why I am getting this feeling that the Giant Snakehead in the first picture is a female, the one in the glass tank, I could be wrong. And correct me if I am wrong, it is dead? What happened? And here comes more jaws!




I have already said this on the other thread but it deserves to be said here. As I had mentioned, after reading this thread and looking at these pictures, I have got to know that the Snakeheads we got were this aggressive predator! so we got them because we thought they were a cool fish...kind of jumped on the band wagon! lol So anyway, they were getting big fast, and we decided to get rid of them...They were about 10". I had gotten some fish bags from my lfs and thought, this would be really easy....We were in for a BIG supprise! I netted the first one and put it in the bag, it immediatly attacked the side of the bag, clamped on to it, and did an alligator death tore a huge hole in the side of the bag! I could not believe it and I was laughing so hard, I did not notice it jumping out of the tank to attack my boyfriend! He jumped back and we threw a towel on it, picked it up and threw it back into the tank...WOW what an experiance! We put them into a 5 gal bucket, and took the back to the store. I never wanted another snake head again!

Jen, thank you so much for telling your experience with the Giant Snakehead here, that adds a lot to this thread. They seemed to have gone totally wild, glad it missed striking your boyfriend, looks like they were very mad. Taking them out of the tank is going through a war with them. That's why fishing the Giant Snakehead is called hunting or battling, but not fishing, it becomes an extreme, intense battle. And I miss the alligator death role that they do, they look extremely wild, vicious and crazy when they do that. You did have an amazing experience, I never heard of anyone having such an experience with this predator. Thank you again! :)
rayman45 said:
Another thing is

maybe once every 2 -3 weeks
my red sh ''sheds''
he peels off a thin layer of skin from nose to tail?
i think its more of his slime coat

Really? I have not heard of this one nor had I seen my Giant Snakeheads doing so. Maybe they weren't old enough? I read a thread about this predator where a guy was asking why his Giant Snakehead's skin seemed to be peeling off. He was worried if it was a desease or if there was something wrong with the tank water. But the Giant Snakehead's tank mate was fine, and even when it was so with the Giant Snakehead, its behaviour was fine as usual.

If the Giant Snakehead does this, wow the more it is like a snake besides forcing its prey into its mouth like a Phyton or an Anaconda, stretching and bending its body after taking a large prey, breaking its bones so it becomes as small as it can be in its body, striking its prey out of water in an extreme speed like a snake does, walking out of water or slithering like I had seen mine doing. That is all I can think of for now..they could be more.
rayman45 said:
i would love one of those!

i would love to own every kind of sh i can get my hands on.
but not anytime soon :(

That would be a wonderful experience, Rayman. These Channa Barca below look beautiful, such a rare species, amazing and unique they are.





First pic is "TRUE" Channa barca... other pics are of Channa aurantimaculata, which was mistaken for C. barca for quite some time. :) Nevertheless, both are beautiful animals! :headbang2
PhullTank57 said:
First pic is "TRUE" Channa barca... other pics are of Channa aurantimaculata, which was mistaken for C. barca for quite some time. :) Nevertheless, both are beautiful animals! :headbang2

You are damn right, that is exactly what was written below the first picture, but then I was confused to see the following pictures were named Channa Barca also, so Aurantimaculata were mistaken to be Channa Barca. Yes, the rest are all Channa Aurantimaculata, sorry for my mistake and no doubt they are both very beautiful and are unique animals! :thumbsup:

Now, as said we get back to the topic, this picture below is said to be a female mother Giant Snakehead with its typical white stripes. Ah, looks like we have found something new about the sexes of the Giant Snakehead.

So, this Giant Snakehead below is supposed to be a female. And look at that swollen belly, most probably was about to pass on its legacy.
