WickedJester;4333984; said:http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v315/04shakerJRS/FISH/?action=view¤t=e79532f0.mp4
Just got eggs. The mom and dad off these eggs are AmarilloXRed Devil cross. Cant wait to see what these fry turn out to look like. The male is quite beat up from the Green texas male in the tank.
This would be a batch that I would cull 100% of them. I've bred midas devils before but refused to raise any. For the sake of amphilophus. You don't really want to cross 2 amphilophus species because they're already so closely related. You're just going to have hybrid amphilophus and if you have those people are going to be really confused when they try to I.D. them. There are already enough hybrid citrinellus.X.labiatus and really no need for more. Most responsible hobbyist will not want to raise your fry so there is no need to let them loose to the public. Besides you already know what it's going to look like so why raise any when you can have the pure species?