yes it would. Any cross between genus, species or even subspecies is considered a hybrid. They could look nice.
Well sucky night last night. I checked the tank yesterday morning and all the eggs were gone. So I thought nothing of it, till I checked the tank just before leaving last night. The male black belt totally brutalized the female veja syn . So I netted out all of the fish in the tank except for the small bristlenose plecs.
This morning the female was dead which I kinda figured and the black belt got the beating of its existence from my blue spot pike and it was dead this afternoon.
Guess you could call it poetic justice for brutalizing the female.
I have a male veja syn in another tank that the female stripped his fins cause she wanted to get busy with. So I am going to get him nursed back to health and try to see if he will like one of my 4 veja bifa that I am growing out in another tank.
I took a couple of pics of the fish but did not think anyone wanted to see dead fish on this thread as thats what the dead fish thread is for.