Amazon Project starts (pics)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That depends on what time of day you talk to her :D (Sorry Nicky, I had to)

Looks like this week I'm making a trip to OH, KY, and IN to pick up fish. More cichlids, brycons and of course the ever popular pacu (bleh).
Zoodiver;673680; said:
That depends on what time of day you talk to her :D (Sorry Nicky, I had to)

Looks like this week I'm making a trip to OH, KY, and IN to pick up fish. More cichlids, brycons and of course the ever popular pacu (bleh).

What part of Indiana?
Zoodiver;671105; said:
When we move the gator gar, I'll post some pics and try to get some video.

that would be cool. then we can wonder why people want them for their 220g
We are heading out Wed AM for Newport Aq, then up to Columbus (ohio Stae campus). It looks like the Indy Zoo was stractched for this trip. I spent the day working out a mobile LSS for the transport tanks.
ewurm;673192; said:
Are you leaving Nicky?

No...eventually I decided to stay. I had a job offer at an awesome aquarium called Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. Decided it wasn't the right time and therefore I am staying...for a little while anyways.
I'm back! (With pics of course). There is no way these pics do ANY of the fish justice. An of course I took them after being awake for over 24 hours on a road trip, but hopefully you'll get the idea. The four large pacu we picked up from Newport all weigh between 30 and 50 lbs. We picked up some AMAZING Cichlisoma midas from Ohio State as well as a bunch of tiger shovel nose cats and a differetn variety of pacu (smaller - yet still well over 14"). Indy Zoo hooked us up with a hundred convict cichlids.
Roads where hit and miss with ice and snow. Transport tanks were great. Our LSS stayed right on the money, pH was buffered from time to time, temps held right at 80F most of the trip (nice little digital temp gauge to aide in watching that) and the fish were out and swimming as soon as they hit our holding tanks back at the aquarium.
Newport was BEAUTIFUL. I got to see Sweet Pea in person (She the only sharkyray on this side of the planet). She's awesome. Their gallery of planted tanks, salt displays and other areas looked great. The staff was friendly and the behind the scenes access was great. We didn't get much of a chance to tour Indy. It was a quick stop since we had lots of fish in the transport waiting on us.

Transport van.JPG

Transport truck 1.JPG

Temp gauge.JPG

cichlisoma midas.JPG

cichlisoma midas 2.JPG

Holding 3.JPG

Holding 4.JPG

Holding tank.JPG

Holding tank 2.JPG