Amazon Project starts (pics)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This week should prove to be a good one for moving more fish onto display. I started moving silver dollars, smaller cichlids and more plecos today. We've got a TON to move in. Tomorrow, I'm picking up another 30" tiger shovel over in Wisconson from a private owner.
Everything is going very well for us, and I'm very happy with how things are turning out.
I'll try to take more pics this week as we keep moving forward.
Added a bunch of fish today. Probably another 30 midas cichlids, the start of our massive shoal of silver dollar, some prochs, othe rvairous random cichlids, another round of plecos and about a dozen tiger shovel nose juvies.
I'll put a total list together and post it this afternoon. I'll try to get more pics as well. The web cam actually has fish on it from time to time now: