Amazon Project starts (pics)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thanks for all the pics and info! When is the planned opening of the amazon display?
I'll be there in 2 weeks, but I"m guessing it won't be ready by then...
Keep up the good work!
Filler fish are going to be a HUGE school of silver dollar (various species). By huge I mean between 800 and 1,000 fish. We're also really stocking up on prochilodus. We have maybe 100 or so right now. We've been buying fish by the multiple dozen at a time. I'm bringing in fish almost twice a week, rotating them past the 30 quarantine, then into holding to await being introduced to the main exhibit.
The first official day it's open is March 9th. That's when the media will be here etc.... However, Feb 15th, we move the gar out. Feb 18th is when the temp will be up high enough to add some of the first new fish. Probably start with groups of cichlids and the schooling fish. Pacu and rays will be next. Other big stuff will be last. I can't wait to show you guys REAL pacu size ! I want a big sign explaining "This is why you don't buy them".
Can't wait to see the big pacu, and the huge shoal of silver dollars.
Please keep posting pixs!
This is going to be the best topic of 2007 by far, and it’s going to be hard for something to top this later on. I can’t wait for all the pictures!! Hell I wish I lived down your end!!