Amazon Project starts (pics)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Oh, I forgot.....when I'm not unboxing and acclimating South American stuff, I'm in with sharks! :headbang2 These were taken Wed night during a dive program (public pays to dive with the sharks. We have staff in to "protect" the guest divers.)
In the shot where I'm looking directly AWAY from the brown, I'm not going crazy. I'm looking at another one coming in from over my shoulder.

Matt dive 1.JPG

Matt dive 3.JPG

Matt dive two sharks.JPG
Nice royals, pellegrini, goldie and scarlet. How big are they, its hard to get size estimations in those pics.
Sharks likely to "attack" anyone?

You must love your job.
Ummm yea...I think I just wet myself! Those plecos are amazing! Any pics of those NICE pikes? I love pikes.

They are pretty big plecos. That Sunshine is about 13" or so. We have others that are even MONSTER compared to this guys tonight. Pellegrini are awesome. We have three now. The two others are well over 18".
Pikes are hard to get pics of, they move too much and there is very low light in our holding areas (as you can tell). Johannas are the only pikes we have now. Most are close to adult size.

As for sharks attacking.....they've never gone after a person.
Are you planning anymore species of pikes?

Wish i lived in minnesota to see this. I was wondering how you guys moved that huge catfish that was with the gars. That thing looked HUGE!
Let's see if I can reply to each thing.....

For big cichlids, we are grabbign what becomes availible. Pikes may or may not show up. I'd love to add more later.

March is coming TOO fast. There is still a FL transport, A TN trip, a "MidWest tour" to Ohio, Newport Aq, Indy Zoo then back as well as a trip to Omaha Zoo. I've got at least one more shipment coming from South America as well.

Thanks - but Sr just means I'll be working more for less pay. :D

For big animals, we use a stretcher. We'll swim them over, wrap them up and then lift (with as many people as possible). The gar and catfish are getting moved to the next exhibit over, so we are just walking them across. Those cats are only 30-40 lbs or so.

I'm not sure I'll be able to snap more pics. I'm officially off today and tomorrow - which means I'll be working. We've got a stand set up at Twins Fest at the Metrodome. It's a little PR event they do to spark interest in pro baseball. Somehow, they ended up with the nickname Piranha - so we have a piranha tank set up at this show. Just put it together yesterday. 65 tall with brown substrate and live plants. Somebody has to babysit them.