Amphilophus margaritifer

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Could you provide the citation for this article... looks interesting.

It appears that - in classic Axelrod-era TFH fashion - the pictures are a mix of stock pictures (from various authors), so the fish pictured aren't necessarily the actula fish described in the text (by the actual author).


Mad About Cichlids;4946930; said:
Sorry for bumping old threads but won some old TFH magazines from our local fish auction recently. And while going through the November 1989 issue a fish kinda stood out and made me remember about this thread.

Sorry mods feel free to erase this post if voilates anything.

Don't know if this picture has already been posted but here's picture of fish.

Here's pictures of some of the other fishes from same article.


Would love to own a JD like this handsome specimen.



I believe from reading, locations of these fishes were from Belize and Guatemala.
dogofwar;4948519; said:
Could you provide the citation for this article... looks interesting.

It appears that - in classic Axelrod-era TFH fashion - the pictures are a mix of stock pictures (from various authors), so the fish pictured aren't necessarily the actula fish described in the text (by the actual author).



Don Conkel was the author of this article and all photos except the ones on this page was taken by him.

Tropical Fish Hobbyist ISSN 0041-3259 Vol. XXXVVIII, No. 3 (#405) November , 1989

Anyone know anything about these guys? I just found a photo in a PowerPoint slide show of Don Conkel's fish.

Don has them labeled as Astatheros margaritiferus, while and have them as Amphilophus margaritifer, and their only photo is of the holotype.

Fishbase info here

Don's PowerPoints here

The photo looks like nothing I've ever seen.


Is this what they actually look like? Don has been known to miss label fish and even push hybrids, but I want that fish (if it's the real deal).

This fish has been confirmed to be real. The species has been reassigned to the genus Astatheros along with iy"s close relative Astatheros macracanthus.

The species has veen reassigned to the genus
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