Thanks for all the pics and progress updates. You have really inspired me to try a planted tank!!! Really like how you scaped it, and love the background
^ thanks for the comments...
First off, regarding the plants, not sure what they are called in English since i've been going with Chinese names so theres less confusion at the lfs... But will get pics of them for you all to check out...
As for adding more plants, i may still add a few more, but trying to keep mainly lower growing plants and a more simple look, only because its less maintenance in the long run...
I have considered adding a single dwarf puffer, but considering they can get very nippy its normally not considered a good idea to put them in a peaceful community tank...
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This is turning out awesome, some real nice touches on this tank!
Cool, nice job!
You should include the puffer. It will add a lot to the tank.
Might have missed this, but why is there tape on the tank? Looks really nice.